Chapter 19

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Philia looked at the bracelet held out to her. The gold bracelet that had a leaf motif was delicately crafted as if each detail was alive.

"It's pretty."

Claude had a smile on his face.

"Do you like it?"


As Philia nodded her head, Claude placed the bracelet on Philia's hand.

"Are you in a bad mood?"

"Am I?"

At Claude's question, Philia shook her head.

"Do you want to go out?"


Philia struggled to show a smile. Claude's red-brown eyes looked at her. He hardened his expression. Was he offended?

Philia walked over to Claude, she hugged him by the waist and rested her head on his chest. Then he reached out and stroked her blonde hair. She closed her eyes and rubbed her face.

"I just want to be like this."



When Philia raised her head to look at Claude, Claude grinned. The rigid atmosphere from before seemed to have disappeared.

"What is really going on?"



"It's just that I like you."

Claude laughed at Philia's words. It was sincere. Philia liked Claude. But she was at loss.

What kind of feelings did Claude have for her? Was it the same, just as how Philia liked Claude, from one person to another? Or was this just the desire to possess something rare and difficult to obtain?

"I like you, too. So much that I don't know what to do if you're in my arms like this."


"I want to give you everything in the world."

It's good at times like this, and it warmed her heart. Philia was in a good mood and smiled brightly. As Claude looked at it, he said as if it was funny.

"Now that I see it, I should have hugged you like this, not the bracelet."

"Do you regret it?"

At Philia's question, Claude kissed Philia's forehead and whispered.

"A little?"


Claude saw Philia's face and brushed her hair. He looked like he was having fun.

"No, I'm not wasting it, I'm talking about time."


"I will be busy soon."

"Busy? Why?"

"I have work at the Imperial Palace."

Philia nodded her head. Claude was a busy man. Did that mean that they wouldn't have enough time to meet in the future? Her expression grew cloudy once more.

* * *

Claude didn't come by as he said. Alone in the mansion, Philia stared blankly at the window.

As he seemed to want to fill the mansion, gifts from Claude arrived every day. It pleased Philia at first, but her joy did not last long.

Then Philia realized that she had not been doing her prayers.

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