2. the sons of adam and daughter of Eve

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The girl explained how she was in Narnia. She said she walked through a wardrobe, playing hide and seek with her brother's and her sister, and she walked through.

  "That's a pretty weird story, Miss Lucy Pevensie from the other side of the wardrobe," Karalyn said, making the young child laugh. "Well, let's be off. We still have a little ways to go now," Tumnus said, taking the two girls' hands. "Wait one second," the princess said, grabbing her weapons.

Once the group made it to the house, Tumnus opened the door and Lucy and Karalyn walked in. Lucy was carressed by the face of Tumnus' father in a portrait, giving his father a compliment saying he had a nice face. "I'm not like him at all really," Tumnus said. Lucy placed the picture back and sadly said, "My father is fighting in the war."

That made Karalyn sad, cause when she lived in London, her father went to war as well. "So did mine," Tumnus said. "B-but that was a long- long time ago," Tumnus said. "This dreadful winter," he said.

"Winter isn't that bad. There is ice-scating and snowball fight. And ooh- Christmas!" The little girl announced. "I'm afraid to say that there hasn't been a Christmas in a very long time," Karalyn said. Tumnus brought a tray of tea over. "No thanks," he said when he offered me some. "Always winter, never Christmas," Tumnus said. "You would've loved Narnia in the summer," Tumnus said.

After some talking, Tumnus offered to play a Narnian lullaby, which Lucy and the princess gravely accepted. Tumnus grabbed a case and showed the girls the case. "Now, are you familiar with Narnian lullabies," he said. "Sorry no," Lucy and Karalyn said. "Well, that's good. Cause this won't sound a thing like it."

Tumnus started playing it, and it was beautiful. The girls looked at the fire which had fawns dancing around. Lucy started growing tired. She fell asleep, dropping her cup. Then a lion appeared. Karalyn knew what happened, Tumnus had just committed kidnapping. All lights blew out.

Lucy woke up and Tumnus was crying. Tumnus explained what he had done and they all ran out of the home. Tumnus runs to where he found Lucy, but a lamp, followed by the 16 year old girl. Lucy gave Tumnus her handkerchief and left. The princess whistled for her horse who comes to her.

  "I'll do everything in my power to make you safe," Karalyn said, with tears almost in her eyes. "Goodbye for now, my friend," she said, getting upon her horse. She rode home, hoping Jadis was still there. She didn't even think about putting Nero in the stable, she just rode in the castle.

The queen stood up at the princess' presence. "Report?" She asked. "Nothing, just needed to um.." The girl said. "Take your horse to the stables," the queen said. The girl said nothing and WALKED her horse to the stables.  She sighed, knowing that she could rather tattletale Lucy out, or be beaten.

She wanted to rat Lucy out, but the kid was a kid, so she would be beaten if she rather wanted. She put her horse away and headed back to the castle, and ran up to her room. She wanted to sleep for 1 day straight.


And that's what she did. She woke up and the queen was giving orders. "Get the fawn, put him in the dungeon!" The teenager couldn't believe it. She ran the opposite way but was caught. "Karalyn, just who I needed to see," the queen said. Chains were thrown over Karalyn, and she was pulled to her knees and brought to the front of the throne.

As she fell to her knees, her knees hit the ground hard enough that they felt as if they bruised. "You said nothing to report yesterday. Then how come I saw a son of Adam this morning, he said that his sister had been in Narnia the day before," Jadis said, as the princess' arms were tied with the chains.

"Please take pity on me, your majesty," the girl said, her eyes closed as hard as she could. "Don't try flattering me," Jadis said, twisting her wand in her hand. "Sorry, I wasn't talking to you," the girl said, grabbing the chains that had tied her up, and unwrapping them. Karalyn took her sword and charged at the woman, but she should've known better.

The woman used her wand and stabbed the princess. Instead of turning her to stone, or making her hair an different color, the power went through her veins in bright blue lines. "Aah!" The princess yelled in pain. The witch hit the girl twice more. By the time the White Witch was done, it left Karalyn bruised her arms, legs and chest, she had a black eye.

The girl, half-running, half-limping, ran to Nero. She rode her horse to Mr. Tumnus' house. "Mr. Tumnus," she yelled, crying. "Mr. Tumnus!"

She opened the door to the house being empty destroyed. She fell and cried. She placed her sword and its case in the front, stabbing the snow, making it stand upright. with the knife as well. "I'm sorry my friend," she said, looking his house one last time, leaving the door opened. She hopped upon Nero. She winced as she accidentily sat on her shin, which had started bleeding. She walked Nero to a tree and grabbed the remaining snow and placed it on her wound. And after a little bit of riding, it had melted.

She knew where to go, the Beaver's home. When she got there, Mrs. Beaver looked at her with sadness. Karalyn had gone to Mrs. Beaver before with injuries, the absolute worst was when Karalyn hadn't go kill the clan of Macerills, but as punishment, the girl had a broken leg.

"It happened again, hadn't it darling," Mrs. Beaver asked the girl.

"Yes, thank you for welcoming me, the doctors at the castle only make it worse," the girl said, chuckling but wincing when she got off her horse, the beaver running over to Karalyn. "Its fine, please get the door."

The beaver opened the door and Karalyn walked in.

The girl scanned the room for Mr. Beaver, who was nowhere. "Where's Mr. Beaver?" She asked. "Doing errands," the beaver said. The beaver handed tea to the princess, who finally sat down, relieving her pain. Mrs. Beaver placed some type of medicine on the girls eye and body, relieving most of the pain. The girl, remembering Mr. Tumnus, cried.

"What's wrong dear," Mrs. Beaver asked. "Tumnus is being held captive, I couldn't save him. If I can't save him, one people, I can't save Narnia!" She said.

  "Dear, lots of times, deaths happen during a war. You may lose one, but you could save many more," the beaver said, placing a wetclose on her wounds, which almost immediantly started bleeding again.

After a silence, Karalyn heard a voice. Mr. Beaver's! She stood up, and walked outside with Mrs. Beaver. "Beaver, is that you?! I have been worried sick! If you were out with Badger again, I-" Karalyn was flabbergasted by who she saw.

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