26. raid on castle

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As the girl, held by gryphons, flew towards the castle, she held hope. As she looked towards Caspian, who flew down to the castle, killed the first man.

As she made it towards an castle bridge, Susan shot a man and Karalyn touched the floor while Peter killed another guard. As they walked into the real castle, she realized it wasn't as guarded. Just the outside.


They placed a rope down the sides, leading to Caspian's mentor's room. She climbed down once Peter was all the way down. "You okay?" He whispered. "Yeah."

They opened the window to the inside, showing the mess. Books, glasses. Caspian looked at the glasses left on the desk. "We have to find him."

"We don't have time," Peter said. "We need to get the gate open," Peter announced. "You wouldn't be here without him, neither would I," Caspian announced.

Peter looked at his sister and girlfriend. "We'll deal with Miraz," Susan said. "And I can still get into the gate in time," Caspian said. "If that is it, go," Karalyn said and the boy ran.


They made their way to Miraz's room, where when she got close enough heard talking. "Ok. The plan is-" Peter began. "The plan is for you to be quiet, I hear something," she said, walking towards the door. "Put the sword down Caspian," a woman, preferably Miraz's wife, said. "I don't want to do this."

She opened the door, showing Caspian. "We don't want you to either!" Susan said, pointing her bow and Karalyn pointing her sword. Miraz put his hand on his hips, "This used to be a private room," he said. "What are you doing!?" Karalyn scolded.

"You're supposed to be at the gatehouse!"

"No, for once, I want the truth, did you kill my father?" Caspian said, sword at his uncle's neck, drawing blood. Karalyn payed close attention to the woman, crossbow pointed at Caspian.

"You said your brother died in his sleep," the wife said. "That is more or less true," Miraz said. "Caspian, this won't make things any better," Susan accounted. "We tell Maris would have nothing and not taking taken it, your father knew that as well as anyone else," Miraz said, to the disliking of his wife.

"How could you," she questioned. "For the same reason you would pull the trigger for our son," Miraz said, and Caspian held his sword closer to Miraz's throat. The wife held her crossbow up again, pointing at both men.

"Stay right there!" Karalyn yelled. "We need to make a choice, dear. We want our child to be king or do you want him to be like Caspian, fatherless?" Miraz threatened.

The wife, Prunaprismia, finally letting the arrow fly, skimming Caspian in the arm, hitting the door. Miraz and Prunaprismia run out to escape.


As the ran through the halls, to the gate, Susan and Peter bickered. About what to do and where to go. Karalyn went with Peter, knowing that he made his mind. She stood there looking at Susan, while Peter ran and Karalyn eventually joined him. "You got to be kidding me."

As Peter killed two guards, he ran to the wheel, to open the gate. "Peter, its too late! We got to hold them off while we can!" Susan yelled, while Peter spun the wheel. "I can still do this," he said. "We," Karalyn said, joining in.

"Help us!" Karalyn said and the other two joined in. "Exactly, who are you doing this for?" Susan asked, getting a look from her brother. As guards poured from the sides, Karalyn quit and pulled out her sword, killing off the first few of the guards.

As Narnians gto through the gates, Karalyn made way for them. "For Narnia!" Her and Peter yelled, running towards the horde of guards.

A guard, coming up behind the girl, grabbed her, holding his sword to her. She took her hatchet and stabbed him, killing him instantly. Though when she did, his sword went diagonal, leaving a gashing cut on her face, enough for her to be able to see.

But what she saw is something she didn't want to. Crossbowers, aiming down at them. Edmund took a man out, while getting caught in the process. "Ed!" She yelled and he ran. Karalyn got a eye on Miraz, on a balcony.

Peter ran up, ready to fight. As he ran up the stairs, but only to get stopped by the death of a general.

She ran over, killing people in the process. And as the fight progressed, a jailcell was sent down, hitting her legs. Thankfully, it didn't break her legs but instead, the jailcell hit the wheel for the gate, loosening it and the main general ran over holding it open.

Peter, watching the fight progress, yelled as hard as he could, "Fall back!"

Karalyn, did the opposite. She ran to the back, not wanting anyone to be left behind. That's when she saw the arrow being shot at the general. She ran to the front, dodging all arrows.

Peter, thinking that Karalyn left, ran toward the exit. As arrows multiplied, hitting the centaur holding the gate, he fell, killing him and leaving Karalyn with half of the Narnians. "Karalyn!?!" Peter yelled for his girlfriend and when he turned around that's when she saw her, blood dripping down her face, crying.

"Go," she said. Peter hopped off his horse. "I'm not leaving you," he said. "You have to," she said, pointing to the bridge, being put up, slowly, but surely. Peter started crying, watching as his girlfriend behind the gate nodded. He hopped on his horse and jumping the bridge.

Meanwhile, Miraz instructed his guards. "Bring me the girl, put her in the dungeon, beat her till she tells us things we should know," he said. Karalyn, being at the back was grabbed. "No, let go of me. No!"

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