22. a different Narnia

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She looked forward on the lake as Peter rowed. "The trees are so still," Lucy said after a long silenced. Trumpkin the dwarf looked at her confused. "They're trees, what'd you expect?"

"They used to dance," Karalyn explained. "It wasn't long after you left the Telmarine's invaded, those who survived retreated to the woods, and the trees, they were so deep in themselves that they haven't been heard from since."

"I don't understand, how could Aslan let this happen," Lucy said. "Aslan? He abandoned us when you lot left," Trumkin said. "We didn't mean to leave, you know," Peter said. "Makes no difference now, does it?"

"Get us to the Narnian's, and it will," Peter said.


When they arrived on land, a beach per say, Karalyn hopped out and pushed the boat to shore. Little did Karalyn know, Lucy maybe walked a little out to much.

"Hello there!" She said to a black bear. Karalyn was confused, the black bear looked at her as if she was fresh meat. And to the bear, she was.

"It's all right, we're friends!" She said. The bear stood on its hind legs, and hopped down to all fours. "Don't move your majesty!" Trumpkin said. The bear started running to Lucy and she ran towards the group.

"Lucy! Run!" Karalyn said, grabbing her hatchet in the boat. Lucy tripped on the rocks. "Stay away from her!" Susan yelled. "Shoot Susan, shoot!" Peter yelled.

Karalyn, being a little rusty, aimed her hatchet at the bear. Lucy screamed as the bear stood up, ready to strike. Karalyn threw her hatchet, but somehow, an arrow reached it, and it wasn't Susan's. It was Trumpkin's.

Karalyn watched as the bear fell and Lucy looked back. She realized Trumpkin shot it. "Why didn't it stop," Susan asked. "It is probably hungry," Trumpkin said. Karalyn ran towards the bear, and helped Peter pull Lucy away from it.

The girl walked slowly towards the bear. "Kara.." Peter said. "Its fine, I'm just getting my hatchet," the girl said, tugging her hatchet away from the bears tough skin which hit the heart. "Thanks," Lucy said.

Karalyn pointed to Trumpkin. "He is the one that shot it in the lung," Karalyn said. "He is wild," Edmund said. "I don't think he could talk at all," Peter said. "Get treated by a dumb animal long enough, this is what becomes of you," Trumpkin said.

Karalyn walked over to Peter, who was hugging Lucy and Lucy joined him. "You may find Narnia harsher than what seems," Trumpkin said, cutting open the dead body of the bear. Lucy started crying, shoving her head into Peter's stomach.

"Its okay," Karalyn said multiple times, trying to calm down Lucy.

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