3. the prophecy

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She saw 4 humans in all, for the first time in 8 years. And she was happy by the sight of one of them. "Karalyn!" Lucy yelled, running to her, but she stopped when she saw Karalyn's face. "What happened?" The little girl asked.

"Don't worry about it," the princess stood, her white hair going with the small wind. "I never thought I'd live to see this day!" Mrs. Beaver said, walking to the group. Karalyn scanned the group. She found a boy, with blonde locks, beautiful blue eyes like hers, and smiled. She couldn't take her eyes off him.

"Finally," she whispered to herself, happily. "Look at my fur, you couldn't give me and ten minutes warning!" Mrs. Beaver said to Mr. Beaver.

"I would have given you a week if you thought it would've helped," Mr. Beaver said, making the group except one laugh. "Nice to see you again, Karalyn," Mr. Beaver said, nodding to the girl with a nod as a reply. "Oh come inside. And we will see if we can get you some food, and some *decent* company," Mrs. Beaver said.

Mr. Beaver chuckled and everyone started walking inside. "Watch your step!" Karalyn said as Lucy started laughing. "Come on, onward Lucy," the princess said, motioning for the girl to get on her back, which the girl did. The girl should've known better, making her leg shock in pain. She couldn't let this get to the young girl.

Meanwhile, the boy couldn't his eyes off the girl. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

"Is there anything to do about Tumnus?" The boy with blonde eyes announced. "I don't believe so. Some guy caught Tumnus, Lucy and I, told Jadis, and Jadis punished me, as always. I'm sorry Lucy," the girl said, looking at the younger girls face. "But there is still hope! Lots of hope!" Mrs. Beaver said. "Oh, there is alot more than hope! Aslan, is on the move," Mr. Beaver said.

A black haired boy walked over. "Who is Aslan?" He asked. Karalyn couldn't help but spit out her tea back into her cup and laughed. "Oh, who is Aslan!?! You cheeky little blighter," Mr. Beaver said, then got hit by Mrs. Beaver. "You don't know do ya?" Mr. Beaver asked. "Well, we haven't exactly been here very long," the blonde boy said.

"Oh, he is only the king of the whole wood. The top gazer, the real king of Narnia," Karalyn said, smiling. "He has been away for a long while," Mrs. Beaver said. "But he just got back and he is waiting for all of you near the stone table!" Mr. Beaver yelled. "He is waiting for us?" Lucy asked.

"You're plumming joking, they don't even know the prophecy!" Mr. Beaver yelled out. "Well," Karalyn said, motioning to the kids at the table. "Look. Aslan's returned, Tumnus arrest, the secret police, its all that making cause of you!" Mr. Beaver said, Karalyn watched as the eldest girl sibling spoke up.

"You're blaming us?!" She said. "No, not blaming. Thanking!" Mrs. Beaver said. "There is a prophecy. When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone seeks Cair Paravel throne, the evil time will be over and done," Mr. Beaver explained. "You know, that doesn't really rhyme," the eldest girl of the siblings said.

"You're kinda missing the point," Mr. Beaver yelled. "It has long been foretold, that two sons of Adam and three daughters of Eve, will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia," Mrs. Beaver said, pointing to the two boys and three girls. "And you think we're the ones," the blonde boy said.

"Well, you better cause Aslan has already figured out your army!" Mr. Beaver said. Karalyn was at the point when joined or not she will kill Jadis herself. "Our army?" Lucy asked. "Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught in the war," the older girl said to her brother. "I think you've made a mistake. We are not hero's!" The blue-eyed boy yelled. Karalyn tightened her fistgetting angrier by the minute.

"We are from Finchley," the older sister said. "Thank you for your hospitality, but we really must be getting home," the older sister said. "You can't leave," Mr. Beaver said. "He is right, we have to help Tumnus," Lucy said. "Its out of our hands, we must be going. Edmund?" The blonde boy asked. He looked around for his black-haired brother, who was nowhere to be found. "I'm going to kill him," the blonde boy said when the white-haired girl spoke up. "You might not have to. Edmund's never been to Narnia."

The princess ran outside as fast as she could, limping included, and hopped on her horse, but no Edmund in sight.  She put her horse into a gallop, and ran towards the castle, no Edmund in sight. "Edmund!!!!!" Lucy yelled and the princess hopped off her horse, causing herself pain, and covered the girls mouth. "The secret police will hear you," she whispered.

The blonde boy ran towards the castle. "Get off me," he said as Mr. Beaver held him away. "You are playing into her head! He's the bait!" the girl said, looking into the boy's eyes, very sternly. "We can't just let him go!"

"He is our brother!"

"The witch wants all of us! She had me for 8 years, I've been here since I was 8! She was going to make me kill you!" Karalyn said. "Why?"

"To stop the prophecy!" Mr. Beaver said. "She will kill you!"
Karalyn watched as the door of the ice castle shut with the boy with black hair walked in.

Karalyn started hearing howls. "Maugrim!" She said hopping onto her horse, and galloping back to the dam. "I'll distract them, I'll meet you at the end of the tunnel. Go," she said, breaking a strong branch off of the tree by her. "They will kill you," the older sister said. "They'll have to catch me first." The boy with blonde hair admired her braveness.

"Take them," Maugrim, chief of the secret police told his group. "I'll get the girl."

"Coming to join the show, Maugrim. Honestly, I have to say, I would have thought the secret police would be bigger. How are you?" The princess tempted him. "I'll be better when your lifeless body is at the queen's feet," he said.

"Sorry, but it's rather, you won't be alive to see it, or you won't catch me," the girl said. The wolf charged after her as her horse galloped. She turned the opposite way of her horse, then crossed her legs. "I thought you'd be faster Maugrim."

They ran into a thicket of trees, and Karalyn had a good idea. She stood on her horse balancing then she saw a thick branch, thick enough to hold her. Her horse got closer. "Princess, you're making things worse for yourself. You'll kill yourself, easier for me I guess."

"Really," the girl said and at the right time she grabbed onto the tree and hopped from tree to tree. Her horse ran away, but she knew Nero would come back. Maugrim lost sight of the girl and left. He ran back to the dam, and Karalyn let out a sigh.

After sitting she saw movement in a hole, realizing it was them. The Beavers, Pevensie's. She hopped down, hurting her ankle in the process. She limped to the opening and shut it. She whistled for her horse, who came immediantly. But she didn't realize where they were. A murderous place.

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