7. the courage of Peter

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The girl stood with Peter on the top of the hill, looking at a beautiful Castle and the troups that were below. "That is Cair Paravell, the castle of five thrones, in two of which you both will, as High King and Queen."

Peter looked down, showing doubt. "You doubt the prophecy?" Aslan asked. "No," Peter said. "That's just it. Aslan, I'm not who you think I am," Peter said. "Peter Pevensie, formerly of Finchley. Beaver also mentioned that you planned to turn him into a hat," Aslan said, and Peter smiled. A real smile, making him even more handsome that she had thought.

"There is a deep magic more powerful than any of us that rules all of Narnia. It defines right from wrong and governs all our destinies, both of yours and mine."

"But I couldn't even push out my own family," Peter claimed. "You've brought them safely this far," Aslan said. "Not all of them."

"Peter, I will do what I can to help your brother, but I need you both to consider what I ask of you. I too want my family safe," He said, meaning his village.


"So," Susan said to Karalyn. "What the dress. Yes, I am not used to wearing dresses, why did you lay this out for me?!" She yelled, laughing. "No, you and Peter. You like each other," Susan said. "Oh stop it," Karalyn said.

The conversation ended and another one began. "You look like mum," Lucy said. "Mom hasn't worn a dress since the beginning of the war," Susan said. "We should her one back, a whole trunkful!" Lucy said. "If we ever get back."

Lucy's smile faded. "I'm sorry I'm like that. We used to have fun together, didn't we," she asked. "Yes, before you got boring!" Lucy exclaimed. "Oh really?" Susan crouched down and swiped water at Karalyn at Lucy.

"Susan!" Karalyn shrieked. Lucy and Karalyn did the same, but Karalyn got Lucy. Lucy playfully shoved Karalyn into the water. Susan went to get her towel, and when she pulled it off, Maugrim appeared. "Please don't try to run. We're tired, and prefer to kill you quickly," he said and Karalyn looked around seeing six more wolves. Susan quickly got her horn, passing Karalyn her sword.

Susan played her horn and Karalyn defended the two girls as they scaled a tree. "Get back!" Peter yelled. "C'mon, we've already been through this before. We both know you hadn't got it in you!" Maugrim yelled. "Karalyn, watch out!" Susan called but she was too late.

The wolf, Vermin had already dug its claws in the 13 year-olds flesh. "Ah!" She screamed in pain. She kicked him off her. "I'm okay, I'm okay!" She yelled. She sent the wolf back, and killed it. Oreius got out his weapon to kill Maugrim, but Aslam back. "Clear your weapons. This is Karalyn and Peter's battle."

Karalyn stood back, letting Peter get his first kill but she still got into her stance with her middle, pointer and middle finger in the shape of an L, called the Vars.

(This picture is sideways, its supposed to be in front of Karalyn like an aiming system)

"This you think you're a king, but you're gonna die like a dog!" Maugrim yelled then jumped on Peter. Karalyn was the first to him. "Peter!" She yelled. She pushed the wolf off of him and thank Aslan he was alive.

His siblings hugged him and left some space and they turned around, motioning for Karalyn to join them. The girl jumped towards them and joined the hug. Aslan let go of the wolf under his paw, then ordered the centaurs to follow them to find Edmund.

"Peter, Karalyn, clean your sword," he asked and they did. First, Peter was first. He placed his sword into the ground. "Rise, Sir Peter Wolvesbane, Knight of Narnia," Aslan said and Peter looked back at Karalyn and his siblings. Karalyn clapped softly then showed her respect by nodding. Then Karalyn stepped up, and did the same thing.

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