11. the courage of Oreius

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Her and Peter's horse bucked and she ran forward. "Run Nero!" She told her horse. Her horse more faster, making her the farthest on the battlefield. She had waited years for that day, but other waited way longer.

The girl had her sword to her side, ready to strike. As Peter rode on his unicorn, Karalyn realized that she would die in the battle. She wouldn't see him any longer. She couldn't let that get to her. Herself, or all of Narnia would be killed.

The girl turned her sword like she was doing the Vars, but on her horse.  She got close enough to her enemy and started attacking. While fighting his own, he saw how she never fought as viciously as she did.

She watched as the witch's army got taken out, as well as her own.  After lots of fighting, Jadis started moving forward with her white polar bears. She fell back a little bit once the Fire Phoenix's were sent in.

They created a line in between the enemies. But Jadis got through easily. "Fall back, to the rocks!" She heard Peter yell and she caught up with him. Once she fell back far enough, Peter's unicorn was hit with an arrow. She hopped off Nero, sending him away, and ran to Peter.

"Get up, now!" She said, defending him as enemies went towards him and her. She saw the Oreius saw Peter fall as his horse was hit. Oreius was going to sacrifice himself. Jadis was getting closer, and she couldn't hold her off.

Due to her loss of breath, she threw her helmet away. Oreius ran towards Jadis. "No! Oreius! I command you to stop!" Karalyn said, but she was to late. He was already heading towards Jadis, he didn't know. She would die.

As the rhino that was sent died, Oreius killed enemies on the way. He watched as he killed Jadis' general. He got closer to Jadis, he pulled out his bigger sword.

He took a swing, but the quenn dodged it. Jadis pulled out Pedro, and stabbed Oreius with it, turning him to stone.

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