21. trumpkin the dwarf

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Lucy clapped and so did Susan. "We gotta figure out what happened here."


The girl watched as a boat entered the shore. She watched as men in armor held a dwarf. A dwarf that was helpless, with his arms and legs tied. "Susan, there're holding something, someone," she said, crouching down feeling more comfortable in her trousers.

Susan put her arrow in and loaded it. She hit the boat, and Karalyn sheathed her sword. "Drop him!" Susan yelled. "Really, drop him?" Karalyn clarified right before they sent the dwarf into the water.

Karalyn rushed forward but watched as Susan shot a man and the other chickened out. The girl dove into the water, determined to save the dwarf. She took a breath as she got closer and her and Peter grabbed him.

She pushed out of the water as she touched the waters' floor, and swum back to shore, while Edmund got the boat.

She stood on land, being soaked yet again and brushed her hair with her hand once. She put the dwarf on the ground and backed away. She grabbed Peter's hand.

Lucy hopped onto the ground, and cut the rope on the dwarf's hands. The dwarf stood up and Karalyn stood back.

"Drop him?! That's the best you could do?!" He yelled but also asked. "Told ya so," Karalyn said, nudging Susan's shoulder.  "But a simple thank you would suffice," Karalyn said. "They were doing fine drowning me without your help," the dwarf said.

"Maybe we should have left them," Peter said, tensing up. "Why were they trying to kill you anyway?" Lucy asked. "They're Telmarine's, it's what they do."

"Telmarine's? In Narnia?" Edmund asked. "Where've you've been the last few hundred years," he asked.

"Its bit of a long story," Lucy said. Susan gave Karalyn and Peter their swords back. "Thanks," Karalyn said.

The dwarf looked at the grouped, more like stared then he realized. "You've got to be kidding me, you're it. You're the kings and queens of old!" He said and Karalyn couldn't help but be sarcastic.

"No, we're the kings and queens of new. Yes, we are," Karalyn said. "High King Peter, the magnificent," Peter said willing to take his hand. "You could've let out the last bit," Susan said.


"You might be surprised," Peter said, taking out his sword. "Oh, you don't wanna do that boy," the dwarf said. "Not me, her," Peter said, looking at Karalyn. She took out her sword.

(At this scene she does the same thing Edmund did its kinda hard the make battle scenes)

She put her sword in front of her. "A girl?" The dwarf asked. "I wouldn't say that if I were you," the girl said.

Peter gave the dwarf his sword, and when the dwarf picked it up, it was to heavy for him, but he picked it up. Peter looked at the girl and she winked at him.

When she least expected it, the dwarf struck. She ducked when he swung Peter's sword over her. The dwarf took his elbow and banged her forehead. "Karalyn?!" Lucy yelled.

"Oh, you alright?" The dwarf said sarcastically. He tried swinging but gave her long enough to move behind him. "Yep, just... Peachy," she said and took the flat end of her sword and smacked the dwarfs bottom with it.

The dwarf groaned and all of the group laughed. The dwarf swung forward but the girl hit it back with her sword, then he aimed for her leg but she jumped over it.

The dwarf went high and low but she hit both of them. While both swords were touching, she took this chance. She swung her sword in a circle, then started banging and clashing the swords in a circle and when she was done, she watched as Peter's sword flew out of the dwarfs hands.

She ended with her sword to her side of her head, with her hands on the handle. The dwarf fell to his feet. "Birds and bedsticks, maybe that horn worked after all," the dwarf named Trumpkin said.

"What horn?" Susan said. She said earlier that she left her horn on her horse the day that they left Narnia.

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