8. meeting with Jadis

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Nero ran alongside Peter's unicorn, Fampo, while she laughed. "Again, as I said. A boy that's fights like a girl," she said to both of the boys. The boys teamed up on her. "If you kill my horse, I'll kill you!" The girl yelled. "Cmon Ed! Time to wake up! Like Karalyn showed us!" Peter yelled.

Edmund's horse bucked and he yelled, "Woah horsie!" That made the girl laugh. "My name is Phillip," Edmund replied. "Yeah, call him Phillip, mate," Karalyn said. Mr. Beaver frantically ran down the hill.

"The witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan! She is on her way!" Right away, Karalyn took her horse back to the stable. "Kara!" Peter called after her. "I'm not going back! I'm not going back!" She screamed. "Kara, it is me!!" She put her head up and threw herself around him.


Karalyn, Sasan, Edmund, Lucy and Peter watched as the White Witch entered the humble village. She was getting carried by slaves, then she walked off. Karalyn was too petrified to do anything, not even pull out her sword.

Jadis looked right into the girls eyes, then her hair, which was half-white and half-brown. "You have two traitors in your mist, Aslan," she said. "Their offence was not against you," Aslan said. "Have you forgotten the laws of which Narnia was built upon," Jadis said, getting a growl from Aslan.

"Don't insight the dark magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written!" Aslan spat. "Then you will remember well that every traitor belongs to me, Karalyn's and Edmund's blood is my property!" Jadis barked.

Just as Karalyn was going to step forward surrendering her new life, Peter stopped her, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. He sheathed his sword and said, "Try taking them then!" Karalyn was glad that he stood up for her and his brother, but the laws were laws, and she wasn't a rule-breaker.

"Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right, little king. Aslan knows that unless I have blood is the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. Karalyn and Edmund will die, on the stone table!" Jadis said.

There were groans of denial in the crowds. "Karalyn wasn't the only Aslyn to die on the Stone Table. Her father did the same thing!" Karalyn was eavesstruck. Her father, died under Jadis' hands. "As is tradition."

"You dare not refuse me my right?" Jadis said. "Enough, I shall talk with you now," Aslan said and Karalyn fell into Peter's arms full of tears, not because she would die on the stone table, but because her father, her favorite non-abusive parent, died in the hands of someone that made her suffer for years. Jadis walked into Aslan's tent. She swallowed her pride and stood up.

But not for long. It took so long that everyone sat, meaning the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve.

Edmund was right beside her. She put her arm around him and pulled him into a hug. Jadis came out and Karalyn unclipped her holster to her hatchet, standing up. The girl was frightened at the witch's stare. As Aslan walked out, Karalyn felt a source of relief. The girl sighed aloud, waiting for her fate to be answered. "The witch has renounced the claim on the son of Adam's and daughter of Eve's blood."

Karalyn covered her mouth in relief, getting hugged by Lucy and Edmund in the process. Right after Peter hugged her and put hand on the back of her neck.

"How do I know that your promise is kept?" Jadis asked and Aslan roared. And the witch sat down, everyone cheered and the girl got hugged again by Peter, this time picking her up and twirling her in the air. But she couldnt help but think. What promise? Karalyn rubbed her thumb over the sharp blade and she pricked her finger.

Jadis felt something on her thumb, and when she turned it, blood appeared. Not as much as Karalyn was but, blood is blood. That's when Karalyn figured out something. Karalyn and Jadis share pain capibilities, so if Jadis died in this battle, so will Karalyn and the other way around. She had to use this to her advantage.

Karalyn and Lucy watched as Aslan's head was down while everyone cheered that her life was saved. Or was it?

The Battle for Us (Peter Pevensie+reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora