30. screams

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"Grab the girls," Miraz told his men and they did that. Karalyn knew that it wasn't going to be good. "Let me go!" She said. Almost as soon as she was grabbed, Mayura was crying. "No! No!" Mayura screamed.

"Wait! Stop!" Karalyn volunteered. "Don't do anything to her, let her go. The Narnian's only need me, let her go!" She cried out.

"Please," she cried. After thinking about it, Miraz motioned for them to let Mayura go. "Mayura, do me a favor. Take the long way to Aslan's How. Get to King Peter, blonde-haired, blue eyed. Tell him I sent you. Mayura, you're going to get your freedom, go!"  Karalyn whispered and Mayura ran.

"Do whatever you want to me, whip me, stab me, murder me, but don't hurt her, please," Karalyn said. Miraz whispered to her general, who pulled a weapon out. A whip.

Karalyn couldn't complain, she told them what to do. Almost immediately, guards ran to her and tied her to the floor, making her sit on her knees.


Mayura ran, as fast as she could, running along the screams from Karalyn, and she winced as she did, until she ran into a horse, drinking water. "Oh, sorry Mr. Horse!" She said.

"My name is Nero, thank you very much," he said sassily. "I'm sorry, it's just I need to help Karalyn!" Mayura yelled. "Karalyn? As in High Queen Karalyn?" Nero asked.

"Yes, you know her," Mayura asked, turning around. "I was her steed."

"But how that was over 1000 years ago?" Mayura asked. "There was a spring, of life. I drank and I lived," Nero said. "I need to find Peter," Mayura said. "High King Peter?"

"That's it," Mayura said. "I'll take you too him," the horse said, kneeling down and Mayura got on.

As they rode, Mayura watched as she heard the screams. She finally got into an open area, where could see a boy with black hair. She rode up to him and the horse bucked. "Woah, Nero," she said, hopping off. "I need to speak to King Peter," she addressed and he walked out, halfway in his armor.

"I believe you called," Peter replied. "I was sent by Karalyn, she told me to find you, that you can save her, she is in pain. Hear that screaming," she said and everyone stopped talking and they could hear the screams. "That's her, that's Kara," she explained. "She sacrificed herself for me, so I could be free," Mayura said.

"She is in pain you say," Edmund asked. "Yes. She told me to come here to be safe and stay that way," Mayura said. "She was right."

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