5. father christmas

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The girl focused at her teeth chittering, she was cold. She watched in fright as everyone, the Pevensie's, Beaver's, watched as she was scared. She looked at the tip of her hair, it was brown. Pure brown.

"Aslan's roar," she cursed. "Oh my lord!" She said laughing. "I can feel! I can feel the temperature," she said.


Karalyn walked, fantizing about her hair and the coldness down her spleen. She was only wearing her trousers, her shirt with pads on her shoulders.

She looked off onto the distance. "Aslan's camp is by the stone table, just across the frozen river," Mr. Beaver said. "Frozen river?" Peter asked. "Its been frozen solid for 100 years," Karalyn said. "It is so far," Peter said. "Its the world, dear. Did you expect it to be small?" Mrs. Beaver asked. "Smaller."


Karalyn rode her horse across the frozen river, which was walking. Karalyn was between Susan and Mr. Beaver. "C'mon humans, while we are still young!" Mr. Beaver complained. "If he tells us to hurry up one more time, I'm going to cut him up, and turn him into a fluffy hat," Peter said, picking up Lucy, making Karalyn laugh. That joyed him, making the girl laugh.

He turned around. She saw a sleigh, the Witch's sleigh. "Run!" She yelled. "Cmon, give me Lucy," she yelled, and Peter handed her Lucy. "Hold on!" She yelled, ttning the horse into a gallop.

She made it to the island and sent the horse away and hid under a plot of land. "Hide! In!" She yelled. The bells had stopped and Karalyn and Peter stood up to check who it was.

She saw a shadow, a big one. Karalyn knew it wasn't the queens silhouette. Snow went over the small ending of the bowl-shaped cave. "Maybe she is gone?" Lucy asked. "I better go check," Peter and Karalyn said.

"You're nothing to Narnia dead," Mr. Beaver said. "Neither are you Beaver," Mrs. Beaver complained. "Thanks, mom," he said, then went up.

"C'mere, c'mere. I hope you've all been good cause there is someone here to ya!" Mr. Beaver yelled. Karalyn hopped up. She walked up and saw Father Christmas. She smiled a wide grin.

"Merry Christmas sir!" Lucy said. "It certaintly is Lucy. Since you have arrived," he said. "We thought you were the witch," Peter said. "Sorry, about that. But I can assure you, I have been riding these longer then that witch," Father Christmas examined.

"I thought there wasn't a Christmas in Narnia?" Susan asked. "No. In a long time, and hope you have brought your majesties, have weakened the witches path," he said. "Is that why my hair is changing, her power. Its weakening?" Karalyn asked. "Yes."

"So, you could delt with these," he said, grabbing a bag. "Presents!" Lucy said, walking forward. Father Christmas passed her a vial. "The juice of a fire flower. One drop, will cure any injury, and I hope you'll never have to use this," he said, passing her a dagger. "I think I could be brave enough.

"I'm sure you could."

Lucy stepped back and Susan stepped forward. He got out a bow and arrows. "Trust in this bow, and it won't easily miss."

"What happened to battles are ugly affairs?" She asked with a chuckle. "Although you don't seem to have a problem making yourself heard, blow on this, and wherever you are help will come," Father Christmas said, giving her a horn.

"Karalyn Aslyn, you are at your peak. Take this, may your movement be as swift, as your heart is pure," he said handing her a sword.

 Take this, may your movement be as swift, as your heart is pure," he said handing her a sword

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"Thank you, sir," she said, backing out. "I'm not done," he said, passing her a hatchet.

"May your swiftness guide this hatchet, letting it fly," Father Christmas said

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"May your swiftness guide this hatchet, letting it fly," Father Christmas said. "Thank you," she said, studying the hatchet. The hatchet was so sharp that she pressed her finger on it and she bled. She put her thumb in her mouth, sucking on the blood. Then Father Christmas moved onto Peter. "Peter," he said, grabbing a sword and a shield with a lion on it. "The time to use these, might be near at hand."

Peter pulled the sword out of it's sheath, making a shing sound. "Thank you sir," Peter said politely. "These are tools, not toys. Bear them well and wisely. Now, I must be off, and oh. One more thing," he said pulling out carrots. "Would you mind?" he asked, wanting the girl to call her horse. She whistled with her finger meeting her mouth and her horse came running. He gave her the carrots and she fed them to Nero and smiled. "Atta go, big boy," she said, patting him. "Winter is almost over. And things stack up when you've been gone 100 years," Father Christmas said, placing the bag into his sleigh.

"Long live Aslan, and Merry Christmas!" he said then he want away. "Merry Christmas!" Everyone cheered. "Told you he's real," Lucy said to Susan. "Are they always like that," Karalyn asked Peter. "Not always. It's usually Susan and Edmund," Peter said, whispering back. "He said Winter was almost over, no more ice."

They walked along the path, and made it to an Ice Waterfall which was melting. "We need to cross, now!" Peter said sternly. "Agreed," Karalyn said, in reply. "Don't beavers build dams," Lucy asked. "We're not that fast," Mr. Beaver said. "C'mon. We gotta go!" Karalyn yelled taking Lucy's hand.

"Wait, why don't we think about this for a minute," Susan told the girl. "We don't have a minute," Peter said to her. "Just trying to be realistic," Susan said. "No, you're trying to be smart! As usual," He said. "Just stop it. We are not even helping it, we have to get over the river!" The girl yelled at the siblings, who never heard her yell that loud.

That's when she heard the wolves. She hurried down the side helping people down. But her horse was the hardest but he made it. She put her horse beside her. "C'mon, I'm getting any younger," Karalyn told them. "Thank you," Peter said to the girl. "Your welcome," she said, blushing a bit. Once everyone got down, the princess walked forward.

A piece of ice broke where she stepped and she would've fell in if it weren't for Peter. He grabbed her and she fell back. "Thank you," she said. "Welcome."

"Maybe I should go," Mr. Beaver volunteered. "Maybe you should," Peter said back. Everyone watched as he walked forward. He used his tail to sense the depth of the ice. "You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you," Mrs. Beaver asked her husband.

"Well you never know which meal will be your last. Especially with your cooking."

Karalyn started walking forward and when she got to a good, safe spot, she motioned for everyone to go to her. Lucy screamed and Karalyn, as fast as she could, looked back at her. "You OK?" The princess asked. The little girl nodded her head.

"If mom knew what we were doing-" Susan began.

"Mom's not here!" Peter spat back. "Oh no!" Lucy said as she spotted the wolves on top of the waterfall. "Run, now!" Karalyn yelled. But the wolves were to fast..

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