6. the frozen waterfall

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They all looked in front of them, Maugrim and Varmin, and behind them, Darvelt, Colmes and Ronald. Varmin took Mr. Beaver in his jaws.

Karalyn and Peter sheathed their swords, and she aimed at Varmin. "Run it through him!!" Mr. Beaver yelled to Peter. "Leave now while you can," Maugrim said. "Maybe you should listen to him!" Susan yelled at the two. "Smart girl," Maugrim said.

"And princess, I advise that you come with me," he added. "I am Karalyn Aslyn, 5th generation of the Aslyn's, daughter of Edith and Damian. I believe I live with my choices, and I don't let anyone choose them for me!" The girl yelled.

"Kill him! Kill him!" Mr. Beaver yelled. "Oh come on," Maugrim said. "Just because a man in a red coat handed you a sword doesn't mean you're a hero!" Susan told her brother. "Drop them!" She told the white-haired girl and blonde boy. "No Peter, Karalyn. Narnia needs you! Kill him while you still have the chance," Mr. Beaver yelled.

"What's it gonna be, son of Adam and daughter of Eve? I won't wait forever, and neither will the river," Maugrim patronized them. "KARALYN!" Lucy yelled. Karalyn saw the waterfall crack. She out her sword back into its compartment. "Hold onto me!" Peter told everyone. He raised he sword and shoved it into the ice.

That's all the waterfall needed to crack. But Karalyn forgot something. She had a horse.

Almost immediantly, she was covered in water. Peter 's hand rose out of the water, and they weren't covered with water anyone. Freezing, cold water.

Lucy struggled holding on so Peter and Karalyn held her, even though Karalyn was beside Susan. When they finally reached land, Susan went off. Karalyn searched for her horse. "Where's Lucy?!" Susan yelled. Karalyn spotted her, opposite of where her horse was.

"Lucy!" Karalyn said and dove in. Karalyn swam as fast as she could to Lucy and once Lucy was in her grasp, she went to save Nero. She got her horse and placed Lucy on top of him. "Hold on, Lu," Karalyn told her. Karalyn swan to shore and she was tired. Pulling a horse and an 8 year-old girl wasn't easy.

"Has anyone see my coat?" Lucy asked and her brother gave her coat back. "I don't think you'll be needing those coats anymore," Mrs. Beaver said. Karalyn turned around seeing blossoms on trees growing. "At long last." She walked through the wood smelling the blossoms.

"I've waited 5 years to see this," she said, getting on her horse. In less than 30 minutes, the snow on trees were gone.


After a while of walking, they finally made it to Aslan's camp. Karalyn had her head down, knowing that she wouldn't be welcome by anyone besides Aslan.

A centaur blew his horn, letting other know someone was there. The girl smiled of the beauty, but when the citizens clumped up, she could hear her name in the crowds. She sat on her horse ready for her punishment.

"Why are they staring at us," Susan asked. "Maybe they think you look funny," Lucy added, chuckling. They walked towards the biggest tent. Aslan's. Peter pulled out his sword and put it in the air. "We have come to see Aslan!"

Everyone bowed behind them. And a big body, a furry body, came out from the tent. Aslan, the king of all kings. Aslan, the lion of Narnia. Karalyn pulled of her sword and put it to the ground and bowed. "Welcome Peter, son of Adam. Welcome Susan, Lucy and Karalyn, daughters of Eve. And welcome to you Beaver's. You have my thanks, but where is the fifth?" Aslan said.

"It's why we are here sir. We need help, and we've had a little trouble along the way," Karalyn said. "He has been captured," Peter added. "Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan asked. "He betrayed them, your majesty," Mr. Beaver said.

"Then he has betrayed us all!" A centaur named Oreius claimed. Aslan let out a soft roar and said, "Peace, Oreius. I am sure there is an explanation," Aslan told him. "It is my fault really. I was too hard on him," Peter said. "We all were," Susan said.

"Sir, he is our brother," Lucy said. "I know dear one. That makes the betrayal all the worse. This may be harder than you think," Aalan said. Someone in the croud said a crude comment. "What about the princess?! She killed our own kind?!"

But it was true, she had killed. But it was under Jadis. The girl turned her horse. "I know, and I hope you all know I truly am sorry. And if you want me to leave, I will," she said.

"That isn't needed, dear one. You may have done things that many can't forgive, but they can be forgiven by multiple. You have proven your loyalty already, coming all the way out here, betraying a woman who controlled you, but all is forgiven. But also being the best swordman in the land, you will be used in a good way here. So, from this point on, Karalyn will be training the troups, including Peter, Lucy and Susan," Aslan said.

The girl was happy, smiling at that comment. "I won't let you down your majesty," she said, bowing. And she never did.

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