14. the high queen lives

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The light started holding the girl up, making her stand in midair. Everyone realized that the light sealed her open-wound, and she was placed on the ground, and fell only to be caught.

Her eyes flickered open, with a smile on her face. She looked at the faces around her, who were confused. "She's dead, right?"

Oreius nodded. She found the lion in the crowd. She ran to him, he was supposedly dead!

"Aslan!" She said kneeling on her knees to hug him. "Hi there dear one," Aslan said to her. She went to Susan and Edmund. "Oh my, you were dead one second ago, and now your back," Susan said.

"Well, it was in the laws of Narnia. When a dear one kisses one who has sacrificed thyself pronounced dead, the sacrificed one shall be to life," the girl said, looking to Peter.

She kneeled down to Lucy. "I like your hair," Lucy said to the girl, remembering when they first met. Lucy jumped and the girl causing her to fall backwards. When getting up, Peter gave her his hand.

"Peter, there is something I've been meaning to tell you," the girl said, before Peter started kissing her. She was surprised, but she didn't back out. It was nice. She heard Edmund gag, and "ooh's" and "aw's" in the crowd.

"We checked your pulse, twice and there was nothing there! I didn't know if I could lose you and Edmund!" Peter exclaimed. "But you didn't lose me or him, maybe for a bit, but I'm here," and Peter put his hand on her cheek and she pressed it against it. "See, here."

When they stopped she wented to say hello to one of her favorite people. "Mr. Tumnus!" She yelled, running to the fawn. "Princess Karalyn, oh my apologies. Queen Karalyn," he said. "Kara, you've known me that long, we might as well start on a name basis, Karalyn is so," gag, "basic."

She looked to Aslan, who brought someone back using a small roar. At that Lucy ran to every dead/wounded person on the field.

She smiled at the crowd, to Oreius, to Aslan, to Edmund, Susan, Lucy and Peter, who was admiring her hair. She was admiring a land, done with Jadis' crimes. "It is time," Aslan said.

She whistled using her hand, sending Nero at her. She hugged him, and kissed his snout.

It was time for her to become High Queen Karalyn, the somethin-somethin-somethin.

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