• Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: How Do You Want Me?

You weren't sorry for asking. In fact, you were blood boiling and angry. Why is Axel still chasing you? There is nothing more for you to give to that man, and for reference, you're broke. Dead beat broke which apparently was a mistake you'd rather not look into. Right after the ice cream parlor, you laid in bed and faked sleep until you heard the soft breathes of the man in the other bed. You pulled out your journal and created another entry.

Entry two

8/30/17 11:36 PM

I don't know what's going on. With me, mentally and physically (my ribs seem to be as stubborn as me). I haven't gathered much. Before I was released from the hospital, I gifted Celia fifteen million dollars. Around one hundred thousand was left to me and I insisted she take it as she doesn't work for me anymore. She has a kid for God sake, she needed it more than I ever will. During the visit to New York, Axel had contacted me. The first time was soon after I arrived on the first day. The team was knee deep in the case and I was observing. I was supposed to be taking non existent notes but that never happened. His text was under a random burner phone, I could tell by the 1-800 at the beginning of the number.

Of course I didn't tell Hotch. I must take slow steps and fully incorporate any knowledge I can before presenting him with the texts. That night when we went to the diner, a girl with fiery red hair took our orders. She was shy and had a slight tremor in her voice. She was afraid and seemed to recognize me. She glanced back a few times after taking our order and confirmed that. When I introduced Hotch to the oh so ever delicious ice cream parlor, she was there again. This time in all black and extreme arrogance. I did a double take on her and she seemed to do the same. She made a look, the kind only given by mean girls in high school.

Hotch brushed it off and insisted I needed some rest. Another text came in during that time: Axel knew my exact location and who I was with. He also knew about the kiss I shared with Hotch and said he was right all along. About what? That Hotch liked me? Anyways, I have a working theory. I believe that the mystery red haired woman is working with Axel, either in a platonic or romantic relationship. The only way this theory is rocking is understanding how he knew I was in New York before I had first met the red head. I don't have a theory about Celia unless she is secretly with Axel as well but I doubt it. That's all for now.

You slammed the journal shut a bit too hard but Hotch never stirred. You tipped toed over to your bag and stuffed your journal inside. It was already packed for your departure back home tomorrow where you were still living with Hotch. You told yourself to find an apartment but you didn't have the necessary protection. Also, Hotch insisted you still live with him until you are completely and utterly better. In perfect health is what he meant.

There wasn't a snip of reluctance in your mind that Axel would come out of hiding soon. You still weren't ready to see the contents of the envelope and found it stupid to mention in the entry if you didn't even know what was inside. Deciding that it was becoming late and there was an early flight, you slipped under the covers and turned off the lamp.

Though you didn't sleep, there was still a sense of peacefulness that fulfilled you.

• • •

Flying commercials was a good idea at the time, however when you made it to TSA, you suddenly regretted your decision. Hotch was pre-cleared for law enforcement personnel so you followed him around like a puppy, gripping the back of his suit jacket so he wouldn't wander off. The flight was short and uneventful. Hotch let you have the window seat thankfully and decided to type endlessly on his laptop. Something about a briefing or lecture? You couldn't remember as you were so exhausted.

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