Chapter 75

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Tennon wanted to take over her Kingdom with Tally as his advisor, Vi was surprised because those two were the biggest troublemakers when they were young. They gave Jimin a run for his money and even the other Appas. There was no way to keep them in check, they were ruthless in their pursuit of chaos. But maybe that's what this Kingdom needs, lord knows it's not like Vi was exactly the model ruler. 

Stephan wanted to follow Chance on her military journey and none of them were surprised. They were still close and told each other everything. Stephan confided in Chance that he was Gay years before he told anyone else. 

Ezra and Essa were in school pursuing higher education, Vi felt like they'd been in school so long that they are going to get something higher than a PH.d. Adam and Ashely were their goofy fun ones. They had no real goals in life other than having fun and helping people. As long as they were helping the less fortunate then their parents were fine with it, it made them happy and there's not much more a mother could ask for.

"Are you ready My Queen?"

Vi turned around and smile at Joon, they had been together for nearly 400 years now, yet they both look the same. "Soon I will no longer be your Queen, Braxton is about to be crowned and eventually he'll have his Queen."

His arms wrapped around her as he kissed her softly, "you'll always be my Queen. But we really should go, it's not every day you turn 400."

Vi groaned, "ugh don't remind me. I feel so old."

"Yet you look just the same as when I escorted you away from her ridiculous Uncle."

She patted his face and laid her head on his chest, "who would have thought we'd be here? We'd have a dozen kids that are daylighters with purple blood, we are getting ready to hand our crowns over to our kids, and get to spend the rest of our lives together. Our very long lives."

"Never in a million years, but I'm so very thankful that we are. I love you, so much Vi. You made my very long life complete."

"Can you two stop playing kissy face and get down here? It's my baby sister's birthday."

Joon groaned, "remind me again why we made him a Vampire?"

She kissed him quickly, "because he's my brother and you love me." Then she bent over the railing, "we're coming bro, chill."

"We really need to find him a man," she mumbled as she made her way down to her birthday celebration. It was gorgeous, there were fountains and beautiful twinkling lights. Soft music playing in the background. She sat down next to Chance, "sssoooo can I?"

Chance groaned, "Mom, no."

"But why," Vi whined, "I need this."

Her daughter rolled her eyes, "you want me to get married so you can have grandchildren, why don't you just have more kids of your own?"

"Yeah, no. I made that mistake once, never again."

Chance snorted, "well YOU got her pregnant with the Quads, what did you expect?"

Jungkook shrugged, "exactly, never again. None of us would risk that shit again. So do your poor Appa a solid and find a man. She's about to not have two kingdoms to fret over, give her something to do."

"But why me? There are other children here, I just made General. I can't marry some dude and start popping out kids now."

"You can, you just don't want to," Vi pouted as she sagged back into her chair.

Chance sighed, "fine, let me deal with these undermanning issues we have and then I'll find a man. I promise."

Vi popped up clapping her hands, "this is the best birthday EVER."

"YAH, that's not fair, you said that your 318th was the best one ever."

The Birthday girl turned her head at the pouting Jimin, "well okay that one was epic, all seven of you have some moves you know and seeing you grab your crusts as you hip thrusted into the air was hot. But this is grandbabies, nothing tops grandbabies."

Jin snorted, "that just sounds like a challenge to me. I'm sure we can top it if we tried hard enough."

Vi smirked as she leaned forward, her hand under her chin, "oh yeah and just how would you do that? Because bruh, I've told you a million times that I hate fishing."

He rolled his eyes, "don't act like you didn't pounce on me after I reeled in that massive fish."

"Okay I'll admit you looked sexy as fuck doing that. But it had more to do with the fact that you were shirtless and wet."

Gag, "MOM, this is why we can't have nice things. Come one siblings, let's leave our gross ass parents alone with their dirty ass selves."

"Bye baby, and your mom isn't the only one that wants grandkids you know."

Chance rolled her eyes, "yeah yeah Appa, I know. You want a grandson as handsome as you."

Jin preened a bit, "well that will be extremely difficult so you better find yourself a sexy man."

She gagged again, "don't really want to think about my dad being sexy thank you very much." She grumbled, "but Happy Birthday Mom, have fun doing whatever it is the eight of you get up to." Vi went to open her mouth and Chance held her hand up, "no, not a word. I know EXACTLY what you freaks do, but you are still my parents so la la la la," she sang as she covered her ears.

Jin sighed, "God I love teasing her. Like she's so serious, how did she come from us?"

"I'm very serious, ask Kook. I took stabbing that Duke the other day very seriously."

Snort, "he was bleeding out and she frowned at the guy and got onto him for dirtying her floors, like she wasn't the one that threw a knife into his thigh."

Vi waved her hands towards Kook, "see very serious, so serious. The most serious."

"Sure you are," Jin mumbled with a small smile on his face.

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