Chapter 26: Dear you...

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Yeah you, reading this. I want you to know that you're not alone and this is inspired by fanfics_for_dayys Who did the same thing on one of the chapters and so did Grace Helbig in her video today. I want you to know that you matter and whatever you're going through It will eventually pass over. it may not seem like it will. But everything does get better the good guys always win and the bad guys always lose the matter how much willpower the bad guys have, no matter how much power they have, they will loose because you have a good heart you have a good in you. I don't care if you say who you are and you're actually not. Meaning if you say you're so and so and you're actually this and that I don't care. The fact fact that you are brave enough to even set up anything, saying you're not actually the person you are in the account is amazing and I admire you for that because I'm doing the same thing my real name is not actually Adelina, it's something else but I plan to keep that a secret and if you know who I am please don't say anything but you're lucky because you know the fun loving person I am and how down-to-earth and how caring and how much I will go for you but you know I like to keep those things private but one day I plan on meeting each and every single one of you especially Sami. right now is not a very good time my parents don't really approve of the things I do. it's nothing illegal. they just don't think it's appropriate for a teen. but anyway back to the topic I love you guys so much. I love each and everyone of you and you matter you matter to somebody you matter to me. You Matter to other people even if they don't show it. Love you or they like you because there is no in between. You deserve a happy ending if you believe in it. The only reason how you cannot get a happy ending or you don't deserve it is if you make fun of people and put people down and make people want to hurt themselves make people want to just stay home and skip school because of you you don't deserve that.leave here right now if you put people down. I'm not saying leave right now if you like joking with your friends and blah blah if you're just like oh yeah playfully doing that yeah with your friends do that I don't care go ahead but if you're purposely putting somebody down because of the way they look the way they talk the way they want the way they do anything we can't be friends. I mean I respect the little oh what is she wearing but if you constantly do it and you cause that person pain. bye. you don't deserve a happy ending because you make other people's lives miserable. I felt that numerous times I recently found out something and I didn't want to find out and never ever never came to terms with that. I've never told my parents anything and then I finally got caught I guess you would say "red handed" and they decided to do something about it. it is not something illegal I promise. But it's one on for so long that they don't know if they can do as much help as they could have. don't worry it's nothing medical with doctors visits for like your heart or anything it's different doctor. and I'm here to tell you that you need to tell somebody if you are feeling any emotions that are not right. Anything that doesn't feel right to you, any mood swings are feeling down all the time or wanting to leave the world. you need to go tell the person that because soon enough it's going to get too far and then you cant save yourself. If you notice any you tubers, they have always told people and they have gotten old and they've had dealt with it and they made a beautiful idiot decision to just go along be like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but then in the inside, it doesn't really work for them. and I have experienced panic attacks so if you experience any panic text please please tell an adult. please tell somebody and they feel like you're alone but you're not I'm here to tell you that you matter and I want you in my life if you are part of any YouTube or once upon a time thing and even if you're not then I still love you because we have things in common one where another and I want to share that with you. As deep as you were cut from a person and your gashes wide-open you're going to find a person who can heal that gash and who can permanently sew it up. And you will heal but that process is long but don't let that stop you from getting to your goal success is a journey that you need to take over and over but it's different every single time which makes it even more exciting. if you are a different race, if you are lesbian, Gay., bisexual, transsexual, asexual, or have some sort of dysmorphia, any type of anything, or disorder, etc. I love you and I want to let you know that you're super super brave and that you matter that's the whole point of this chapter dear you you matter that's why name to dear you that dear me. I can see beneath your beautiful and it is magnificent. No Matter what you look like, no matter what you sound like, what you like, what you dislike, what you love what you don't love, what you hate, what you okay know I'm just repeating myself I'm sorry about no matter what no matter if you are gay, if you're struggling with anything if you have some sort of mental disorder, I want to help you I want to know that you are not alone. now, you probably hear that every single day but it's true and you're getting tired of it because you know it's true you're getting tired of it because you don't want to hear because you've heard it too many times. You have to ask for help if you want people to help you, you need to ask. and I know it's easier said than done but it helps I know it helps because I just did it I just gathered all my courage and asked for help and I got help and I still am getting help and it is helping. drink every time I say help and you'll be blackout drunk. anyway to the seriousness of this chapter. the whole point of this is that you matter and count how many times I say matter because you will also be blackout drunk and your liver will not be happy. okay okay let me just do this now. if you were thinking about what it would be like if people didn't realize you were gone. that people will notice that you were gone it might not be right away. that doesn't mean you don't matter means that you're always in their site you're always there and cannot be there makes them worry and they go check on you that's what it really means if they know it's right away that means they're too clingy. Also means that the trust you. yes, now that I am realizing this. its really confusing hopefully you'll get it I don't know. don't even know sorry . But our flaws are what make us unique and different and cool and hip and trendy and everything that the other person is. stop comparing yourself to other people because you will never be like them because you only beat you. BE you because that's the only thing that's easy being you is easy being somebody else's hard it's too much work. And don't let people walk all over you because you're not a sidewalk you're not the ground you're a person don't let people walk all over you because if you keep on making it happen there going to take advantage of you and trust me you don't want people taking advantage of you. I know what you're probably thinking by now, why would I trust this girl( if she even is a girl), give advice about me? why would I trust her why would I even put my full trust in her through someone I can even meet? And you know what... you're right. you don't know who I am you, don't know if I'm a pedophile but I'm not I swear. and that's what pedophiles say but this is true. I want you to trust me and I know that's a lot to ask but please?. But for the people who I know from Instagram you know to trust me hopefully. like I was saying, you will find your happy ending you will find the girl or the guy. You deserve to be happy and have fun and do fun things with your life you deserve it if you think you do everybody does. I am here for you 100% I'm here for you. i'm usually always free to talk and I will listen because there is no other way to do it are you have to do is listen and then you'll find your happy ending.

Love you guys!

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