Chapter 14

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Grace's POV
"Miss Helbig," the doctor started.
"Yes," I said as I sat up.
"Would you like to know the gender of your babies?"
"Yes" I sighed as u looked at Chester.
"So you know you have twins," the doctor stated.
I nodded.
"Congrats, you are the parents of two baby girls!" Helen the doctor cheered.
"Oh my god!" Chester sighed relieved because I secretly knew he wanted baby girls. he gave me a hug.
"I'll leave you two alone for now. Make sure you eat Miss Helbig" she warned.
"I will" I said. "Hey Ches."
"Yeah," he replied.
"I already have names picked out. Would you like to hear them?" I asked.
"Sure" he said with a smile.

Hannah's POV
"So when people in these hospitals go into comas, sometimes they never come out" said Young Grace.
I nodded feeling sad for those who died in their coma.
"Luckily sometimes when kids are in comas their second sprit stats here. The spirit that is the sick one. Usually the healthy one stays." She explained
"So you're the sick one?"
She nodded.
"We've never left. God chose our spirits to stay and explain to people. Sometimes, I like to visit their coma state."
"Can we go see yours?!?!" Shouted Tim.
"TIM!" Scolded Grace.
He put his head down in shame.
"Sorry about him. He's only 6."
"That's okay. Hey Tim," I said.
"Yes," he replied.
"Why don't we go see my state. You can meet Mamrie."
"Who's Ramrie?"
"It's Mamrie" I corrected. "She's the coolest but she's not in a coma, you can just see what she looks like."
"Okay," he said excited.
We walked towards my room to find Mamrie fast asleep beside me. And then me, with tubes in my mouth and completely still.
"Wow.." gasped Grace.
"Is that Mamrie!?" Shouted Tim unaware of the horrible situation that was at hand.
"Yes," I whispered.
Tim walked over and touched her head. Mamrie jolted up and looked around confusingly.
"Tim!" Grace hissed.
He put his head down in shame.
"The hell?" She said.
"Tim what do I keep telling you? Do not touch any person that is not like us!" She commanded.
I sort of laughed. Classic Tim.
"So what happened?" Asked Grace.
"Didn't I already tell you?" I asked.
"I don't remember" she laughed.
"Of course you don't" I joked.
"Heyyyy" she took offense.
"Well you do have sort of a memory problem," I giggled.
"So I don't really remember much but all i remember is falling down and then darkness."
They went silent and suddenly everything faded.

Sorry this was mostly pointless. but idk! anyway ITS ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!! HAPLY CHRISTMAS EVE EVE!
Stay cute! 😘✌️

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