Chapter 27

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A/N ^ that is Grace's Dress! ^are the bridesmaids dresses!

Grace's POV

Our wedding reception was the most rememberable place ever. V Tuna! There was a dance floor, a huge chandelier in the middle, the color of the tables were a great aqua Blue and the chairs were white. The napkins were perfectly set up. The DJ was there already set up. I go up to give them the playlist. He nods and searches for the songs. I never thought that I would be getting married. To Chester See for that matter. I have never been happier.

Chester's POV
I was super excited. I had a surprise for Grace. Everyone knew expect her. And that's the best part.
"Grace!" I say bringing her in code to me.
"M-hmm" she says walking towards me.
God she looked so stunning in her lace dress. I giver her a kiss.
"What was that for?" she asks smiling.
"Ahh nothing. I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I will always love you."
"I will always love you too Chester" she says. "I can't wait-"
The music starts to play. Here goes nothing.

Grace's POV
I was so confused. Chester sat me down on a nearby chair and the song "Roar" came on by Katy Perry. Chester started to dance and it cracked me up.
"Chester what are you doing?" I said in between laughs.
He just smiled at me. Then out of no where, Mamrie and Hannah come out and start to dance next to him doing the same moves. I start laughing my ass off and happy tears of joy come to my face. This is a flash mob, I say inside of my head. I wonder-
then out of no where again, Lilly Singh, Justine, Jenna, Julien, Humble, Michelle and her husband, Jeana and Jesse, Swike, Tyler, Connor, Troye, The Fine Bros, Jack Douglass, Erin, Wendy J Diaz, Robin (A/N from RobinShoots), my mom, dad, step dad, step mom, and a whole bunch of other you tubers and family come rushing out onto the floor for the whole chorus part of the song. I start to laugh-cry because it is so funny and so touching I can't even breathe I was out of breath. This was the most touching thing a person/a whole group of people have done for me. They looked like they were having fun and that made me happy. Then they stated to dance round the tables and Chester gave me a wink and pecked me on the check with a kiss.
"What is this?" I say laughing as he puts his but in my face.
"Just you wait" he says and laughs.
Suddenly the music changes to: our song. The mood changes. Everyone respectfully sits done at heir assigned tables and Chester brings me out to our first dance as a wedding couple. The song was "I won't Give Up" by Jason Maraz. We say to the music and I rest my head on his shoulders and close my eyes. He kisses my head.
"I won't give up. On. Us. Even if the skies, get rough" he sings in my ears softly.
"See we got a lot, to, learn. God knows we're worth it" I sing along.
I got lost in the music and dancing with the ma. I never thought I would marry. The song defines us. We've been through ups and downs. We haven't really seen each other over the Rock of Ages thing, my show, and lots of traveling without each other. But we managed to work it out. We managed to not give up. Even if the skies get rough.

Mamrie's POV
Hannah and I were on our third time crying. Seeing them together made my heart hurt. In a good way though. Hannah describes them as "the feels." We both held Allison and Hazel while Sarah held Justine. I looked into Allison's baby blue eyes.
"You see your parents there?" I ask her. "That's true love. They've been through a lot. One day, that'll be you and your husband. Hopefully you find that man who makes you as happy as your mother and father. You have the best years ahead of you. Enjoy every moment. You are the miracle baby. You'll always be my little hero"
I look over at Hannah talk quietly to Hazel. And Sarah doing the same thing. I look back at Allison. Making little gurgling noises and rubbing her face. The babies were only 3 months old and they were adorable still. If I ever loved my kid as much as them, they'd be a really cute kid.
"Guess what" I whisper to the little baby. "You are so going to have a best friend. Maybe two. I'm just not sure yet."

Hannah's POV
I see Mamrie holding little baby Allison up and showing her Grace and Chester dancing. I decide to do the same.
"Hey Hazel! I say in a hushed whisper.
She was beautiful. Her eyes evidently Hazel and her hair was blondish like Grace's.
"Hi sweetie! I'm your aunt Hannah. Your middle name is my middle name and my first name. I usually don't look like this. I had hair but you know, things happen. I am really sick. But not not like the cold sick, I'm sick as in I have a tumor. I don't know how or why I got it. I had blonde hair. But I will get better soon. Hopefully. That's what I want you to remember. To have hope even in the darkest of times, Haze. Because that's what every great story starts with. And I have no doubt that you will have an amazing story to share with the world. Do you see those people dancing over there? Those are your mommy and daddy. They love you deeply. They will never stop. I hope you meet a guy who treats you right. And make you feel like your mommy does about your daddy. Just have hope. That's what will get you through everything."
Tears threaten to come to the surface. But I hold them back. I see Sarah, my beautiful Sarah Weichel talking to Justine. I look over at Hazel.
"I love you. I hope you know that."

Sarah's POV
I cherished this baby more than ever. Sure, baby J wasn't mine but I loved her. More than anything in the world. I was going to be there for her. I look over at Hannah who is talking softly to the Baby Hazel. I decide to do the same.
"Hey baby J" I say smiling looking at her vibrant brown eyes and brown hair.
"Get used to that name because you'll hear that everywhere you go. I just want you to know how much I cherish you. I will look out for you no matter what. I will protect you. I will stand up for you always. If you feel down, come to me. I will always be there for you. You are so beautiful. I want you to know that you can be anything you can. If you want to become president then do so. If you want to do soccer, or gymnastics, become a professional dancer, then go for it. Keep on truckin' as your aunt Hannah would say. Go for your dream. or dreams. Hold onto that dream as soon as you get it and don't let it go. Don't give up even if it's hard and easier to give up. You have to think about what you have gone to get there. You have don't so much work. Don't let that all fall through. Follow your dreams and they'll come out to be just right."
I kiss her forehead softly and whisper "I love you."

I am so sorry I haven't updated in forever. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it (...?) if t doesn't that's fine. but did you cry? did tears almost come to your face? admit it. admit that this chapter gave you the feels. If it didn't, oh boy, then it's coming. Please give me your feedback!

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