Chapter 13

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Grace's POV
I awoke gasping for breath with Chester beside me.
"Gracie are you okay?" He asked startled.
"Yeah" I said gasping for air. "I saw Hannah."
"That's impossible," Chester replied. "She's....
"I know, she's in a coma. When I saw her, she couldn't speak so she used sign language."
"Okay okay relax" Soothed chester.
I lied back down suddenly tired.
"Baby," Chester started.
"Yeah," I said turning my head.
"The doctor came in and said that you really need to eat and hydrate more.... He also asked me if I wanted to know the gender of our babies. I said I wanted to wait until you came back. Are you ready or do you want to rest now?"
I thought. I really wanted to know what the gender was, really bad. I couldn't wait.
"Call him" I said.

Hannah's POV
NO! I screamed in side of my head. Grace was gone and I was alone.
"No your not" said a voice.
Da faq? I mouthed as I stepped outside into the waiting area.
"Oh sorry about that," the girl said. "Tim I told you to stay quiet! sorry about my brother. My name is Grace. Grace Helbig."
Wait that not possible I thought.
"Oh yes it is," said Grace. "See, I'm the younger Grace. When I was younger like, the person you see now, I went into a coma with my brother. We were ice skating and we crashed. This is the first time I have seen an actual person who is not annoying or a creepy adult. I know it's confusing but trust me, it will make sense soon."
Why can't I just talk? I thought and I figured out how to communicate with the younger Grace.
"Because you don't believe Hannah. You don't believe that this is really happening or that I am sorry, we are the real younger versions."
Oh I thought. How do I believe then?
"You just do!" Piped up little Tim.
Okay, I thought. I believe. I believe. I believe...
"Okay, you're good!" Interrupted Tim.
"Say something!" Said Grace.
I took a deep breath.
"My name is Hannah," I started. I'd did it! I could finally speak!
"Hi Hannah!" Piped Tim.
"So can you explain to me how and what is happening?" I asked.
"Well... Where do we start?" Started Grace.

Sorry this was a sort of cheesy chapter! Thank you so much for keeping this book alive!! Remember to Vote, comment, and Share!
Stay cute!😘✌️

I don't know...

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