Chapter 28

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Grace's POV

"Okay so you have Justine's blanket, Hazel's hat, and Allison's medicine?" I asked frantically at the airport getting ready to board our flight to Buenos Aries for our honey moon.
"Yes Helbig I assure you that everything is here and going to be fine" says Mamrie calm and chill. The total opposite of me.
"Come Grace, we're going to be late" Chester says.
"Okay" I sigh, giving my children a kiss on each of their little heads.
"I love you guys."
"Bye Helbig!" says Mamrie and Hannah and Swike.
"Bye guys! Thank you so much" I say giving them a hug.
"No problem. Now go have fun!" says Swike.
I hurriedly run to catch up with Chester looking back.
"Gracie" he starts and stops me.
"Yeah" I say.
"Honey, you need to just breathe and relax. I promise you will and our kids will be fine."
I sigh and give a deep breath. He kisses me. "Everything will be okay. I won't let anything happen to you."
His reassuring words comfort me every step of the way.

Hannah's POV
"You still haven't told them have you?" I ask Mamrie.
Mamrie doesn't look up from holding Justine.
"Mamrie" I say holding her arm.
"No. I uh, haven't told them. Its just uh, the right time" she says hurriedly and quietly.
"You're going to need to tell them soon" says Swike.
She nods her head.
"Hey you three" I say getting the mood up. "We're going to spoil the shit out of you."
"Hannah" Swike gasps. "Not around the children!" She half laughs.
"Oops ha I guess I got a little ahead of myself."
We all smile and wave our final goodbyes as Chester and Grace embark on their honeymoon.

Chester's POV
"Grace honey you're shaking" I notice.
"Oh I'm sorry babe. I'm just very very anxious" she replies."
I cup my hands around her face and stare into her eyes. Shes giggles.
"Our children are in the best hands possible. They're with their godparents."
She touches my hand that is in her face softly.
"I know I'm sorry honey."
I kisses her and she's kisses back with force.
"We-have-a-lot-of-time-when-we-get-to-the-hotel-to-do-this" I manage to say in between kisses.
She sits back with a disappointed puppy dog face. I rest my her leg and smile awkwardly on purpose. She laughs. Goddamn that laugh. I loved it so much.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"Ladies and gentlemen please be prepared for take off" says the attendant.
"Here we go" she says.
"Here, we, go" I smile.
I couldn't be a luckier guy.

Grace's POV
"Are you hungry?" Asks Chester to me.
I take out my earphones that are blasting Prince.
"I'll have pretzels please" I say to the lady.
"That's it?" Chester asks bewildered.
"Yeah I'm not that hungry" I say.
"She'll have the dinner please" he quickly says and gives her his card.
"Oh Chester! You didn't have to pay for that. I have my card right here" I say.
"Nope" he sighs. "It's just a dinner."
"Chester that was $12." I say.
"Pffft what's a little $12 gonna hurt. Gracie. This whole thing is about me treating you."
"But you don't have to pay for everything."
"Here you go ma'am" says the lady, Karaa.
"Thank you" I smile.
"Oh my god Chester this is delicious. Try this" I say as I feed him like a baby.
"Mmmmm that's good. And that why I payed for a delicious meal." He says satisfied.
"Yeah yeah you're not going to get away with it. I'm paying next."
"Okay we'll see about that" he says with a smirk and glances out the window.
I roll my eyes and laugh. I take out my phone to snapchat.
"This dumb dumb payed for this delicious plane food which really isn't that bad" I say panning to Chester then the food.
Later I catch him glancing out the window like a four year old would and quickly get it.
"Yeah, wow that uh really cool. WHOA! Grace look at-" he says and turns around to see a phone in his face and does the most awkward thing ever it makes me laugh so hard.
"Oh come on its not that funny" he says.
He's watches it over and over. "Yeah that is pretty funny" he laughs.
Goddamn it that laugh is so contagious. Its my everything. He's my everything.

Holy crap I haven't updated in forever! And I'm sorry I don't have a good excuse for it but I am so sorry!!!! Please forgive me!!


(Ig- hartsandahelbig
Twitter: helbighartomame)

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