Chapter 18

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Hannah's POV

This was it. I wasn't going to wish my friend good luck and get to hold her babies.

Chester's POV

"Owwww owww come on babe your hurting me" I complained.
She shot me a death deifying look.
"Sorry sorry" I apologized.
"Okay Grace, I'm gonna need you to push on three" doctor Helen said. "1-2-3!"
"ARRERGGGGHHHHHH" she yelled in agony and then fell back.
"Good good, I can see the head! Come on two more good pushes!"
Jeez she gots some pipes, I thought.
*wah wah wah wah* I heard and immediately smiled and laughed.
"Congrats Miss Helbig, baby number one is out. Two more to go."
"TWO?!!!!??!" We both said in shock.
"Didn't anyone tell you that you're having triplets?" She asked in confusion. "Oh great, the day I was supposed to check on you there was another doctor, a newbie and uhhhhhgg he's bad."
"Gracie, we're gonna have triplets" I said in shock but in happiness.
She laughed and smiled.
"Okay, the next one is coming out soon" she said.
"Okay" she breathed.

Mamerie's POV
I heard yelling coming from the room. That's girl sure did have some pipes.
An hour later a doctor had come out to talk to me.
"Miss Hart?" She asked.
"Yes" I said.
"Unfortunately only two of the kids had come out fine but the third one-"
"There was another baby?!"
"Yes, but that baby had not been breathing when it came out and she might not live to see tomorrow" she said solemnly.
"Oh god" I gasped. "Can I see them now?"
"Of course but be careful, Miss Helbig is still trying to accept it" she said.
"Okay" I agreed.
I walked in and saw Chester holding one baby and Grace holding the other with red puffy eyes and talking to the baby.
"Grace honey are you okay?" I asked.
"Ummm yeah I guess so" she said but I knew she was lying. She always repressed.
"So who are these little munchkins?" I asked quickly changing the subject.
"Well this is Justine Lillian Helbig" Chester said holding her up. "And that is Hazel Maud Hannah See"
"And the one that is being monitored is Allison Grace See" Grace said looking up with tears in her eyes.
"Who would you like to hold," asked Chester.
"Ummm can I hold Justine?" I asked lightly.
"Of course you can" smiled Chester.
I took little Justine and smiled. Her eyes were Grace's and her hair was like Chester's.
"Wow, she gorgeous" I said smiling and almost on the verge of crying.
"Hi Baby J! It's your Aunt Mamrie. I like to drink a lot but I suggest you not to until your 21" I laughed.
She smiled and I started to cry.
"May I hold Hazel?" I asked gently swapping Justine for Hazel.
I looked at Hazel and she has Grace's hair and Chester's big eyes.
"She's so cute!" I said.
"I birthed them" Grace said proudly.
"Hi honey. It's your Aunt Mamrie. I will love you so much you precious little girlie."

Hey guys! How do you like the names? Sorry if Hazel's name is so long. I just wanted to put Hannah's name in there because of what's going on! Next chapter is going to be emotional so sorry! Follow me on insta and Twitter! @ mamrietown is both!


I don't know....

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