Chapter 21

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Grace's POV

Sure I was happy. But I wasn't the version of happy that I wanted to be. People started to wonder and that made me ball up on the couch.
"Hey you okay baby?" Asked Chester sitting right beside me.
"I'm just, I don't know Ches. Sure I'm happy that Hannah might come out of it soon but what about her health. What about our kids and what if they never know who their Aunt Hannah is or what if if Hannah doesn't know who little baby Allison is? Ches I'm lost and confused. Where do I go?"
"Baby it's okay come here" he said bringing me closer to him. "I assure you everything will work out fine. You have to have hope. Every story that is rememberable starts with hope and you have to hold onto that hope for as long as you can. You can never give up."
He kisses my head. By this point I'm crying in his arms.
"Oh shit sorry babe" I say as I get up to look at his shoulder which is full of wear tears and snot.
"It's okay honey" he laughs.
"Wait a minute" I say figuring his whole speech out. "Did you get that stuff from that show you watch?"
"Ummmm" he says with a smile. "What show are you taking about Grace." He asks with a slight chuckle.
"That stupid show about fairy tales and-"
"Hey, they are not stupid" he laughs again. "You would like it."
He then grabs a pillow and hits me.
"Chester!" I say giggling as I pick up another pillow.
We start to have a pillow fight laughing and crashing onto the couch.
"Dude you hit me in the face after I said not in the face!" I say as he tickles me.
"Okay okay I'm sorry" he laughs.
Everything will be fine I say to myself.
I just have to have hope.

Hannah's POV

My eyes were open but I could not move. I wanted to tell somebody that I was okay but I couldn't. I just want to get out of there fast. I want to make videos again. I want to hang out with Mamrie and Grace.
"Hey Hannah" Mamrie says.
Hi I tried to respond but I couldn't I can't move anything.
"Have you seen the babies yet they're so cute!
Yes I try to say again.

Mamrie POV

I just wanted Hannah to WAKE THE FUCK UP!
"Hannah, WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I scream sort of.
She grabbed my hand.
"Hannah!" I gasp.
I call the nurse in and tell her what had just happened.
"Miss Hart, Miss Hart?" The nurse frantically asks looking into the pupil of her eyes. Her big blue eyes started to flutter and shifted her body.
"Hannah oh my god!" I lunge to hug her and I feel her arms come around.
"I'm okay?" She asks in a hush whisper.
"Yeah, your okay honey."

Yeah a filler chapter sort of sorry if I made you feel the feels. I wi start to speed this book up to like the wedding and what happens to Allison. (SHOULD I KEEP HER?") so I will be keep on going! Byeeee!


I don't know..

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