Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

My head was spinning as I walked out of the building,

What had I just done?

But I decided to put that in the back of my mind. Shawn wasn't my top priority and he shouldn't be occupying my thoughts. Right now I had to focus on finding Mike.

I called Darnell's phone, but he didn't answer.

FUCK, D always answers his phone even in the middle of the night, why wasn't he answering it now?

My heart was racing, as more dreadful thoughts filled my mind.

I know D doesn't think straight sometimes so I didn't know what he would do to Mike. The mashup of these two strong personalities was for sure violence and mayhem! Mike also has a bad temper and a gun to act up with, so it would be an all out battle between the two.

My car was reaching speeds I didn't know I had, I was driving and circle blocks looking for any sign of either of them. Fuck, why did I waste an hour with Shawn?! What may have happened in all that time. I clearly wasn't thinking either.

I used my phone for a Group FaceTime to call Jamel, Tiffany, Marcus, Damian, and Andrew, and I tried to act as casual as possible as I asked them if they were with Mike. None of them knew where he was, so I hurried off the call before they could sense my unease.

Just as I was about to give up, I spotted Mike's car a block a way from my crib. I quickly parked two cars in front of him and jumped out. I walked to the next block hurrying towards my own apartment as spotted Darnell's car double-parked right in front of the building.

Oh shit!

I ran inside and up the flights of stairs to my apartment. As I reached the door I heard noises and booming voices. I heard what sounded like someone being shoved into a wall. I quickly opened the door to see Darnell grabbing Mike by the neck and Mike quivering in completely agony as he tried to fight Darnell off and breathe.

They seemed to not even notice my presence.

Both of their clothes were ruffled and D has a blood coming from his nose. Mike however, had a swollen eye and a bruised cheek.

My vocal cords finally took control and I screamed for them to stop.

Mike turned to look at me but D just gripped his neck tighter and held him down.

"J get this fuckin nigga off before I fuck him up!" Mike wheezed finding renewed strength now that he saw I was there.

"You talk a lot of shit for someone that holds no weight!" D said slamming him to the floor.

D was very powerful and Mike only stood a small chance.

Mike was in pain, but continued to fight back forcefully. He head butted Darnell in his face and quickly got up and tackled him.

Mike got two punches in D's face before he was slammed back into my couch.

I still haven't moved from the door. Something kept me there. Did I want to stop the fight, or did I want Mike to suffer like I had last night? He had taken advantage of me, treated me like I was nothing, nothing but his bitch. And I just let him have his way with me. Had I deserved it like I thought I did? I cheated on him a few times, but he probably did too. He had no right to do that to me, or did he?

My mind raced, I had to do something. Should I assist Darnell and beat the shit out of Mike or pull D off of him?

Darnell was bodying Mike. Tossing him as if he was nothing and punching him with hits that can be heard from next door. But Mike was trying to hold his own. Getting in a few shots and blocking and dodging some of Darnell's hits. He spun around and knocked D on the floor. He attempted to jump on D and punch him but D swung a fast one and Mike collapsed to the floor. D got up and slammed Mike's head on the floor as Mike attempted to strangle him. D was definitely more powerful, but Mike was a lot faster.

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