Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

"Yo Jay where you at?"

"At the store Darnell why?"

"Oh aight. Which one cuz ima pick you up?"

"Pick me up? For what? I don't need no fuckin chauffeur!"

"Nigga, where you at?" Darnell said more sternly.

"I'm at Macys but I'm still looking for an outfit so don't come get me yet."

"I don't give a fuck! I'm coming to get you in a little while" Darnell said as he hung up the phone.

Damn! Why the fuck he coming to get me. I got things to do today. Oh well, there is no sense talking sense to D anyway. I better just let his hardheaded ass just come get me. I saw a hot new track suit and Ima cop it. I got it in a Large and went up to the front of the store to find a shirt to match with it. Then I went to the cashier to pay. The cashier was the short Spanish chick who was looking real fly. She rang up my clothes and I couldn't help but smile and glare. I must have been staring because the next thing I knew

"Sir, sir! Excuse my nigga will that be cash or credit?"

"Oh my bad yo. Cash" I quickly said coming out my trance. I handed her $170 and told her to keep the change. She smiled and gave me my receipt and my bag. I saw a sign on the way back that said "Now Hiring" so I thought for a second and turned around.

"Yo can I get an application?" I asked.

"You know you just apply on you know what, never mind. Sure, hold on." She said and kneeled to a space under the desk. "Here you go." She said and then smiled again. Just then Darnell came in and called me.

"Yo Jay bring yo ass now!"

I ignored him and said to her, "Aight good look. I'll holla at you later, thanks!"

"Youre welcome" She said as I walked out the door with my application and bag. Darnell and I hoped in his ride and he started driving towards his crib.

"Yo D, my crib isn't this way!" I exclaimed as he drove without a single word to me.

"I know Jay. Nigga breathe. I'm taking you somewhere way better than home nigga!" He responded.

"Naw nigga, I ain't goin nowhere with you!" I huffed, I wanted no parts of whatever antics were on Darnells corrupt brain.

"Nigga shut the fuck up! Yo coming wit me cuz u DO still owe me and Jamel a favor and you're going to repay it today!" He said punching me in my arm.

"Ouch, oh shit! I remember but I ain't doing nothing today I got plans tonight!" I half-lied. I mean my plans were to go on a hookup site when I got home and invite someone interesting over.

"Oh, plans huh? So your plans more important to you then me and Mel now right? Aight I see how you do." He made a fake pouty face that neither of us could even attempt to buy.

"D, you know it ain't like that. It just I had prior arrangements I cant cancel that shit now nigga!" I said.

"Did I say you had to nigga? No, it ain't going to take more than an hour to do this shit and that's my word!" Darnell said and I knew there was no negotiating with him.

"And this shit might be what exactly?" I said but without any reply from D. At that moment we stopped in front of a nightclub. Oh shit was is this nigga about to get me into?


"Yo D, why we stop at a nightclub for?" I asked cautiously. D just turned off the car and opened the door. "Yo D answer me! Why we at a nightclub?"

"Yo nigga are you coming or what?"

Damn! Why wont he fuckin answer me. This doesn't surprise me though. D always did some sneaky shit like this. I guess I just had to go along with it as I did owe him a favor. I'm just trying to figure out what the fuck it is! Damn why wont he just tell me because the suspense is killing me.

I got out the car and walked wit D inside this broke down nightclub that looked like it was 100 years old. It looked kind of small and there was only one window. The paint was peeling and the sign was crooked. As we walked in the small red lobby, all I could smelled a mix of black & mild, old beer, and weed. D had a mischievous grin on his face as we entered the main room. It has like 4 tables and a stage. It also had a small bar and a big dance floor. There was a DJ stand in the upper right corner and he was playing some trap music. There was like 20 people in the room and it felt mad hot. I could tell this place was for Gay, Lesbians Bisexual,.. whatever your pleasure! Everyone looked like they were down for anything. The room had like no lighting and looked like it could be in debt. D and walked over to a blue door that read "DA BACC". How fucking corny. But what was really going hrough my mind was; where the hell are we going?! "DA BACC" was a very low-lit room, that I would never normally go even in my most faded state. It had people butt -ass-naked to semi-clothed just going at it. It was flat out disgusting to me cause anyone could just be carrying some damn STD or something and they wasn't even using protection. But apparently, from the body count I just witnessed many, many people like that kind of shit! Its just not me. As we exited this area and headed further to the back of the club, we walked passed another door that had no label on it but it was in bright yellow. I was given no tour or explanation for what this room was. We continued walking to another door that read "Employers Only". In there was a couch and a desk and an executive chair and some more chairs. In the executive chair behind the desk sat Jamel.

I finally spoke again, "Yo D, whats up with this shit? Why did yall bring me here and why is Jamel behind the manager's desk? And-"

I was cut short by Jamel, "Nigga shut the fuck up! Ole 20 questions having ass. D and I will do the talking. You are here cause you owe us. We didn't tell you anything because we know if we did, you wouldnt even show up here."

"Do what Jamel?" I said

Jamel replied with an almost sinister smirk. "What we tell you! You are going to help us make some money for our business. You got all the assets already and hopefully all the skills." As he said this both him and D were checking me out.

"Jamel what do you mean I'm going to help yall. How exactly?"

"By dancing nigga. Combined with your good looks and fat ass, you'll make good money" Jamel stated.

I had to laugh at that. "Hell fuckin no!" I turned around to leave but D guarded the door. "Move nigga!"

"Nigga you ain't goin nowhere!" D barked.

"I'm not doing this. I ain't no bitch, so unless you want to fight you better let me out this room. I ain't dancing for nobody so you better find another favor to ask me!" I said coldly. I expected them to fight me and make me do it, so I stood alert.

"Nigga I thought we was cool. We helped you get a crib and get settled and THIS is how you fucking repay us. Nigga you're going to do this shit, unless you wanna fucking get evicted." Darnell warned.

I completely forgot about getting a job and night school. My priorities haven't been in my mind lately. Come to think of it, who was I fooling about having enough for rent next month. All I had was a blank application and my dwindling high school graduation money.

"Yeah Jay now you're quiet. You know you need this just as much as we need you. You're going to be our star attraction."

He went on with all the details and I just sat and listened or at least pretended to. I remember the application in my pocket and decided I could work here just until I got my job at Macys.

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