Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

We arrived at the Olive Garden Mike's friends and I got to know each other better and they were devouring a wide variety of Italian dishes. Shawn kept giving me glances and when I caught him, he would just smile and turn away. This was not seen by anyone else for some reason, and it was starting to weird me the hell out. Mike was in the middle of a joke when the server brought the bill. He stopped and everyone went into the pockets.

"The bill is $286.95, so what did ya'll eat so we each know how much to put in?" The dude Marcus said.

I wanted to ask why we just didnt just split it down the middle, but I didnt really know any of these people like that.

As we each remembered what we ordered. I handed Mike who had the bill, $30, which he took and carefully put in his pocket. He then took $100 dollars out of his own wallet and put on the bill. I could only stare confused at him but he gave a smirk stating it was on him. Everyone else handed their share of the money and we made sure to leave a tip that would have our waiter smiling for days. After all, the drinks were bangin!

As we walked to our cars and said we should meet up again, Shawn looked right at me and said "I'm sure some of us had a really good time tonight"

I was dumbfounded and just couldn't believe me ears. And BOOM, my eyes almost bulged out my head1 Did he know what me and Mike was doing in the movies? He had to. Oh shit, the question was what was he going to say? What was he going to do/! Was he gonna tell the others I hoped not. I would have much of a bad outcome on me as it would on Mike. After all, those were his close friends.

I decided not to think much of it and just said a simple "Peace". I then turned and entered Mike's moms car and everyone else entered their vehicles and went their separate ways. I thought for a while about Mike's friends while Mike drove and blasted some hardcore trap music. All in all, they seemed real cool, and we could definitely chill in the future. But there was also Shawn, who seemed to know more than he let on. His comment was definitely sus. Hopefully, he wouldn't be any trouble.

As I sat there in my own head, I was distracted from my thoughts by Mike.

"So you have a good time? I know we had to share our night with my friends but, it still aight right?" He asked looking over at me.

I answered, "Yeah I had a good time, it could have been better though..."

Mike smirked, "Yeah, and how's that?"

At that moment, I noticed that we were parked in front of my apartment. I answered him in a low but sensuous tone, "By coming up with me" As I said this I moved in for a kiss, but stopped only inches from his lips. I felt his breath on my mouth and then he met my lips with his own.

He pulled back and said, "Nah."

Nigga what. I think I didnt hear him correctly. Huh?

No, Im going to have to pass on coming up tonight.

What do you have to bring the car back or something? I asked thinking maybe his mom asked for him to bring her car back at a respectful time.

He chuckled at me, No, you just not ready for all that.

How are you going to tell me what I am ready for? I responded.

Listen, Im totally enjoying our vibe and we both got caught up at different points tonight. But I dont think we should rush this.

Wow, I responded unsure yet again on what to say to this man.

Wow what? He asked with a half-smile.

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