Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

When Darnell and Jamel found out that this dude Mike was at my apartment again, they weren't the least bit happy.

"You are on some stupid shit right now. I got half the mind to slap the shit out of you right now nigga!" Darnell barked pacing my living room.

"Yo I know I sound real stupid right now D, but listen, a nigga apologized and shit. He knows he was wrong and ' a start. Come you act like I let him in the house, like chill," I responded.

"Naw Jahmar, it sounds like you sprung ass fuck. Don't even socialize with this dude, his ass still needs beat up. You know why? Cause I know niggas like him! Once they started hitting you, they ain't going to stop, and if your ass gets wit dat nigga then you are just as stupid!" Darnell said.

"Yeah D, that's just it. You know niggas like him, not him! He's not even like that. He's funny and good-looking and I think he's feeling me! Like I said Im not even doing anything with this guy, but if I was thats my business. So, chill out or better yet we should just drop it!" I responded holding my ground. Like Darnell swore he was my dad, we were only a year a part in age.

"Maybe we should then. Cause I know if we don't, I'm going to end up beating the shit out you! But Jahmar remember this, you dig your own grave and I'm not the one thats gonna be digging you out!" With that Darnell stormed out of my apartment.

I just chuckled and rolled my eyes at his dramatic exit. Jamel gave me a half hug and stern look, before chuckling and following Darnell out the door.

I think D was just mad that I no longer wanted them to fuck Mike up. Darnell almost got a thrill out of fucking people up. And when it came to Jamel and I, he was overprotective ad fuck. But whatever, he will calm down later. I know I was kind of tripping defending Mike when I don't know him that well yet. But I can handle my own shit and I got to learn to forgive when people trying to make things right, right?

I tried to vibe out to some music and get some calisthenics in, but it was hard because I kept thinking about Mike and what D said. Could he be right? Naw, he couldnt be. I can't let this nigga get to me. By the time I finally got about an hour of exercise in, the sun had gone down and I realized I spent the whole damn day in my apartment. I fell down into the couch and dug my head into the pillow sighing out in frustration when my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said picking up the FaceTime call.

"Did you forget my phone number?" It was my mom.


"Then why the fuck haven't you called me! Huh? Are you too good to call your mother nowadays? I mean I DID give birth to you Jahmar." She said in her onslaught of laying down the guilt on me.

"I'm sorry ma. I been kind of busy, you know trying to find a job and adapting to my new home." I responded apologetically.

"Yeah whatever. You can't fool me like the rest of them chickenheads you be wit. Why are you sweaty? Hmmph. You prolly in bed with one of em right now, getting a STD or some crabs!" She said with a laugh.

I had to laugh too. "Ma you're disgusting me! I don't have a girl in my bed right now, and as you can see I am in my living room alone. So anyway, how are my sisters doing? Have they been causing any mischief lately?"

"Theyre doing fine. They were asking about you the other day. You know their 18th birthday is coming up. You're coming up right?" She asked, but looking at her face she wasnt really asking.

"Yeah of course ma. I'll be there fo'sho!" I responded giving my best West Coast impression.

"You betta be because family is important. You know that. If you miss their birthday you know I WILL come down there to fuck your ass up. You ain't too old for an ass whipping!" She warned.

I laughed again. My mom was serious though, and I knew it. My mom was good with her hands and beat up lots of niggas and bitches notoriously all over New York.

"Aight ma, talk to you later love you!" I said as I headed to the kitchen for some water.

"Aight nigga. Holla at me later, peace. Love You" She ended the FaceTime call.

What did she just say? LOL, whoa she is buggin. I guess I got to go back to the city next weekend because my twin sisters are going to be turning 18. Now let me tell you a little bit about my sisters. They are identical except for the fact that one's hair is longer. Their names are Tamaris and Tamara. They are light-skinned like me with grayish-hazel eyes, Track star frames, and both stand at a short 5'5. Everyone tells me they are dimes but I don't see it. They are very noisy and nosey. They love to flirt but aren't hoes just teases. They know I'm gay but are mad cool with it. They act mad ratchet and like my mom, like to fight and talk shit.

Thinking about all I left behind in the city. I want to go back to BX to see my fam and friends, but I know they going be mad cause I didn't hit any of them up since I moved. Oh well, they should know how I am. Mostly, I just want to see my best friend cause I know hes tight that I havent talk to him in a minute. But thats an issue for next weekend not this one.

I got showered, changed into nothing but shorts and headed back to the kitchen. I cooked some biscuits, bacon, and eggs and got some orange juice. Yes, it was late in the evening, but I felt like having breakfast. Fight me! While I was watching TV, the phone rang again. I was delighted to hear the sexy voice of one of my niggas in the city.

"Whats good boo?" The deep sexy voice of Brice said.

"You. What you doin," I replied.

"Thinking of your sexy ass. Youve been off the grid. So, what you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Im actually chilling in my new spot." I said trying to break the news lightly. He was definitely not the type to make his way all the way to Jersey for a booty call.

"Oh word? So, you moved?" He asked and I could tell he shifted in his posture.

"Well ahhh, I moved to Jersey about a week ago. I revealed.

What? You dead ass? He was legit shocked.

Yeah, I was thinking about it for a while and it just kinda happened. I said.

Well damn. Thats whats up I guess. He said sounding half-earnest.

"Yeah I got a spot by myself and I looking to go to night school and work. I dont know why I chose to share the full plan with Brice, we were never that serious.

"I see, well Im going to grab some food, I thought you was around because I was going to come scoop you. He said easing the super-weird guilty feeling rising up on my end.

Ahh man, well I will be in the city next weekend maybe we can get up then. I left it open just in case he was ready to close the chapter of whatever we had going on.

"Aight, cool. Hit me when you out this way." Brice responded.

"Bet" I said and hung up.

As horny as I was, next weekend could definitely end up being fun! I finished my food and watched Tv for the next thirty minutes. Then I went online to find an outfit. Hey, I had to look good for my sisters birthday after all, right?

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