Chapter 20

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Chapter 20:

Even after I was pronounced negative, I continued to read about STD's. I also got monthly check-ups like the doctor recommended. After something like that happens, it changes you. Well for me it made me want make everyone aware of the outcome of unprotected sex. Mike has been really good to me lately. I didn't take him serious at first about the whole monogamous relationship, but I'm beginning to think he is.

We went on three weekend getaways to The Bahamas, Cancun, and to Las Vegas over the past few months. He calls me like two times a day to tell me he misses me or where he is. He even showed me how to check if cocaine is real and how to wrap it and sell it, and where some of the stash houses are. I don't even think he was suppose to tell me that. I see why he is always gone, the drug game is rough but there is a lot of money out there. I think he even got a raise or a promotion of something because his pockets are getting heavier (LOL hustlers getting promotions...). This man is a hustler, that's for sure. The drug money he earns go into so many other ventures and it's like a never ending chain of money moving through other businesses Mike has a hand in. However, the more money he gets the less I see him and the more materials I get to replace him. Though he checks in a lot and FaceTimes me like crazy.

Although I protested a lot, Mike's stubborn ass has been upgrading my apartment left and right. He said is mostly because he sleeps over more often and wants to be comfortable when he is here. He has brought me a new big screen TV, a king size bed, a bangin' home theater system, a Cartier watch, gold chains and wrist bracelets, a lot of new furniture, and two closets full of new clothing and shoes. Then he killed it by buying me a new Benz convertible. At first, I was happy because a brotha never got so much nice things but I think I would like to spend more time with Mike than with his money. Mike is always on the run and I can barely see him and my sexual needs are at a high right now.

So in spite of trying to stop myself, I sorta, kinda made kept a side dude. Shawn is my "toy" when Mike is away and it seems that Shawn is cool with it. I like messing with Shawn because there are no strings attached. He is fine with us not being together and we have no feelings for each other, we just fuck.

With all the money coming in from Mike, I quit working at the club. He fully supported all my bills and anything I asked for. I'm kind of glad I don't have to work at the club because dancing was strenuous and keeping be a stripper from Mike was difficult. Darnell and Jamel were not even mad because they got two new young, thick-in-all-the-right-places dancers to be their new stars. I kept the job at Macy's but really only pick up shifts here and there.

To occupy my time otherwise, I have mostly be chilling with Mike's friends. Tiffany and the crew are back in my life and all the drama has started again. Shawn and Mike both are into heavily hustling and did not have time to chill with us, so they were never with us. Shawn and Mike were beginning to conflict wit me being on the low with them because I spent a lot of time with Tiffany, Damian, Marcus, and Andrew and they would call me randomly and want to chill with me. However, I did my best to cover up these convert conversations and running away to be with Mike or Shawn when I out somewhere with the crew or hanging out with Tiffany.

I've been missing my old friends, and came out with a great way to mix up my old world with the new one. This weekend I am having a small get-together wit my close friends from NJ and NY at my apartment and I want everybody to meet each other. My mom even offered to make some food platters that she would send down with my twin sisters. I was very much looking forward to this party.

Well after I went shopping for some stuff for the party my phone starts going off. The caller ID reads Mike.

"What do you want?" I said angrily because I haven't seen him in like a week.

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