Chapter 16

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Aarti's POV

I am right now in the car. I was thinking about what vani said in hospital. I don't want to agree but at the some point she is right. If she wishes to marry Rudra to solve all the problems then I will fulfill her this wish. But convincing Rudra for marriage is really difficult.

He is already 28 years old, so there is nothing wrong in marrying. I have tried convincing him for marriage many times in past but he never agreed. But this time I will make sure he agrees with this decision.

But I am more tensed about vani. She is just 21, they both have a age gap of 7 years. I don't know how she will adjust with Rudra, seeing his short tempered nature.

I know his nature very well. Since childhood he is short tempered. He will say or do something in anger but after calming down he regrets it and always try to rectify his mistakes.

Everyone thinks he got everything with a silver spoon but I know how he struggled to achieve everything.

In his teenage years when his friends used to enjoy their life he used to be alone in his rooms studying. Ashok was never satisfied with his hardwork . He always wanted more from him.

Rudra never had any friend, neither in school nor in college because Ashok warned him not to make any friends as they will only distract him from his goal. Rudra has always worked hard just to get a simple praise from his father.

I had seen my son craving for his father's love.

I reached at his penthouse. I entered inside to see him drinking while sitting on the bar stool.

"Rudra" I called him unconsciously, seeing him in this condition something broke inside me

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"Rudra" I called him unconsciously, seeing him in this condition something broke inside me.

He looked at me and called "mom". He got up and came towards me. "Mom, you here" he said but smell of the alcohol made me cringe in disgust. He noticed it and quickly said "sorry for this, I will just go to fresh up". He went upstairs while I took a seat on the couch.

He came back after few minutes, looking handsome as always.

"Maa" he said coming towards me and took a seat near my legs on floor and kept his head on my lap like he used to do in childhood

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"Maa" he said coming towards me and took a seat near my legs on floor and kept his head on my lap like he used to do in childhood.

"Maa I am sorry. I never intended to hurt you. I am really sorry. Please talk to me. Just shout on me or slap me but please talk to me. It hurts when you don't talk to me" he said with his head still on my lap.

"You really hurt me Rudra. I don't know after this will our relation be ever like before but if want me to forgive you then you have to do something for me" I said with blank face.

Hearing me he lifted his face up from my lap and said " I will do anything to win your forgiveness''.

Rudra's POV

After a minute of silence mom said "you have to marry vani."

"What" I  instantly rose up on my feet and yelled. "Mom you already know my decision. I don't want to get married, not to her or anyone else" I  said angrily. I was damn angry hearing what mom said. I never intended to marry anyone atleast not this early.

"This is the only way by which you can get my forgiveness or else forget that you ever had a mother" she said sternly making me shocked as hell.

"Mom you can't do this. I...- I started saying when she cut me off "if you really want forgiveness from me then you have to do this Rudra or if you are choosing your big ass ego over your mother then please tell I will leave right now from this house and from your life" she said in determined tone.

I just stood there silently not knowing what to tell her. She suddenly stood up and said "I think I got your answer" she said angrily and started walking towards the exit.

I don't know what came in me and I said "okay. I will marry her."

"Good"she said and turned around facing me. "I will start the preparation. Your marriage is scheduled on this Saturday" she said before leaving.

I just sat there thinking how my life turned upside just in a week. Because of my one mistake everything changed my future, my relations, and one more member is going to be added in my family, an unwanted wife.


Rakshit's POV

I left for home after hearing what vani said. I am right now damn furious. How could she take such a decision and not only that she tricked me in agreeing her decision.

I don't know how to inform this to maa, Drishti and dev. Dev will be really furious on me but I have to do this.

I reached home and went in the living room. Everyone was already there. They all looked at me hearing my footsteps.

"How's she now" Drishti asked me.
"She's fine" I said curtly. "I want to talk to everyone about something" I said and told them to take a seat.

"I have decided that vani will get married this Saturday" I said which made everyone shocked. "What are you saying Rudra? Vani's marriage but with whom? How I mea..n..- Dev said when I cut him off "with Rudra Singhania" I said making everyone gasp in surprise.

"What the hell are you saying Rakshit? Are you out of your mind?" He said angrily.

" I have already decided. Vani also agreed" I said firmly ignoring him.

"I just can't believe this" Dev said and left furiously.

"Are you sure Rakshit" maa asked with tear filled eyes. "Yes maa this is for the best. I know you are worried about vani but don't worry I will make sure she's safe there" I said.

Obviously I will sure Vani's safety after marriage.

Before maa could say anything further I said "start preparations marriage is scheduled on this Saturday."

Hola guys

Here is the early update and this one is also comparatively long from the last one.

I am thinking of putting vote target. So that even silent ready would give a response.

So vote target is 70.

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Love ♡♡

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