⁴³| The Council {Part 3}

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The Slytherin Prince






~~~ August 29, 1990, 0845 hrs ~~~

~~~ Hadrian's POV ~~~

"Now, onto other matters."

This was supposed to be Aunt Amelia's and Uncle Lucius' cues to ease the courtroom into thinking that Sirius never received a trial and might be innocent. Still, before they could start, I looked at Minister Fudge determinedly. I asked him, "Now, the Chamber usually discusses this year's budget and other monetary matters regarding our economy, am I right?".

"Yes, Lord Peverell. We discuss matters today and finalise matters the next time we meet, there days from now".

"Thank you, Minister, and you can always just call me Harry or Mr Potter Black if you so wish," I said, smiling at him kindly. He smiled back while nodding and turned to give Dumbledore a smug look that wasn't lost on even the dimmest Council members in the Chamber.

"Well, now that all the excitement is out of the way, we can get back to the boring stuff that this body needs to take care of". This garnered some chuckles as the discussions for the year's budget began. Aunt Amelia, Uncle Lucius, and I shared a glance as I signalled to them not to go ahead with the plan. They both nodded back, barely a dip of the Head, but it was enough for me to know they understood.

I sat and thought about this ordeal as I slowly tuned out the arguing and chatting of the Council.

~~~ Albus' POV ~~~

~~~ August 29, 1990, 0750 hrs ~~~

As I made my way through the doors of the great hall to the gates of Hogwarts castle, I wondered which way I should travel to the Ministry. Thestral? It would certainly make me look very mysterious, which I always tried to make everyone think. Maybe I should just apparate inside the Ministry Atrium disregarding the law? Knowing how people will react, I'll probably get away with it scot-free. Hmpf, the most logical solution is for me to make a grand entrance in the Atrium fireplace. Yes, that's what I will do.

After deciding that, I walked outside the Hogwarts gates and apparated right outside 'The Three Broomsticks' and went inside. "Good morning, my dear Audrey! Nice weather today, is it not?" I said in my regular grandfatherly facade. She smiled and gave me an equally delighted response. I just smiled as I made my way to the fireplace and flooed to the Ministry Atrium.

The fireplace lit up a brilliant green, and out I walked with my perfected grandfather twinkle in my eyes, only to be greeted with an utterly empty Atrium and a snoring guard at the Wand registration

I rolled my eyes in irritation as I took the lift, deep underground to the Wizengamot Chamber, where a few nobody Wizards were already plotting and scheming. I just gave everyone my trademark eye-twinkle as I walked past and took my seat as Chief Warlock.

~~~ Time skip to Hadrian & Company's Extravagant Entrance  ~~~

How dare anyone arrive late to my meeting?! How dare anyone disrespects ME?!

I was about to snap and order the Auror guards to not let anyone enter when the doors were thrown wide open while smoke poured inside and clouded the entrance of the Council Chamber. I was about to bark out an order when Minerva and Amelia stalked in, followed by a weird assortment of people. Most of them were known to me, while the rest were a mystery.

What surprised me even more than the fact that Minerva was at a Wizengamot meeting, which she never attends as she finds them annoying, but she appeared like a proper Head of House should, which was quite worrying. Who had convinced her? Who was responsible for this disaster? Minerva should remain unaware of the happenings of the Ministry; Otherwise, she will start slipping from under my thumb (A/N - Little did old Dumbles know she was completely out from under his stupid little thumb and ready to draw blood, his blood to be exact 🤪)

But what unnerved me more was the look she gave me as she made her way to her seat. From an outsiders' perspective, it was what a Deputy Headmistress should greet her Headmaster like, but I knew something was going on, something definitely not good.

I just greeted her usually, trying to keep my distress from showing. But the fact that Amelia Bones, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, was entering along with the notorious Lucius Malfoy and even more worryingly Walburga Black. Wasn't she supposed to be dead? What is she doing here? This gave me headaches after headaches that I didn't want nor need.

But what happened after the huge party settled down almost made me choke. Harry Potter himself stood in front of the Council. How was he even here? I knew very well that I kept his whereabouts confidential and ensured I kept the muggle house under heavy wards; what could have happened? How was the boy who was supposed to be the carbon copy of his father like a perfect Pureblood Heir? How was the puny child who was supposed to worship the ground I walked on confidently standing in front of the entire Wizengamot without an ounce of fear?

Where had I gone wrong?

But that wasn't even the worst part. When the little brat started to list the numerous Houses he was the Head of, I wanted to puke. How did he know these things? Why did I not know it? How was this even possible. But when the brat asked the Umbridge toad to look through my past use of the Potter seat, I truly started to worry. How many of the laws and legislations did I push through with the help of that seat? What is going to happen now?

But more than the panic, I was absolutely furious. I paid those worthless muggles to keep an eye on him and even paid them to ensure he would be humbled and look to me as his saviour. They couldn't even complete that simple task. That family of filth is going to suffer for what they have let happen to my prized pawn.

A/N - hey guy I've finally updated and now more will follow! Please forgive me for making you guys wait! How did y'all enjoy the internal suffering of Dumbles? Let me know!!

Sry for not updating for so long guys, I finally got back the passion to write and am working on the next part rn, pls forgive meeeee 😭😭😭💀💀💜💜. Also please go back and read the chapters where Killian was first introduced its MUCH different now hehe. I've grown and matured more and their relations ship will start of more 'professional' if you will! Sorry for the changes, I just want to ensure this story gets written in its best form and ends up written as good as it can be! Hope you guys enjoy!

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