⁴⁴| The Minister {Part 1}

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The Slytherin Prince






~~~ August 29, 1990, 0845 hrs ~~~
~~~ Albus' POV ~~~

I paid those worthless muggles to keep an eye on him and even paid them to ensure he would be humbled and look to me as his saviour. They couldn't even complete that simple task. That family of filth is going to suffer for what they let happen to my prized pawn.

I looked at the Potter brat with fury in my eyes, and the brat had the gall to smirk at me! "How dare he insult me this way, and most importantly set that toad of a woman, Dolores Umbridge, on my case. To say I was livid would have been the understatement of the century. And I will make sure to pay bac the brat's disobedience tenfold.

~~~ August 29, 1990, 0845 hrs ~~~
~~~ Hadrian's POV ~~~

I saw the old coot look towards me, he was flushed blood red, and I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. He was grinding his teeth so fiercely that it looked like he was trying to break his teeth by biting too hard! When our eyes met all I could think to do was smirk at the little bitch of a wizard. I smirked at him and looked away at Uncle Lucy arguing for something in the year's budget, but I could still see Dumble-bitch get even more flushed - if that was even possible, from my side view.

I looked at the Neutral section and saw Dray and Susan trying not to show just how extremely bored and annoyed they were with the session now that all the excitement was over, I had to try very hard not to chuckle at them. Neville on the other hand was listening intently and I could see him whispering to his dictation quill to jot down his thoughts and notes on his first Wizengamot session. I was so proud of my Godbrother for being able to concentrate and focus on this mundane meeting when even the three of us couldn't.

I'd have to borrow his notes later to go through what was talked about in the meeting.

~~~ Time skip to End of Council meeting ~~~

The first one out the door was Dumbles, he left in quite a hurry. I tried my best to contain my vengeful heart, for it leapt with joy at seeing the great Albus Dumbledore flustered by me and my family. Adding to that, the fact that this was the first time I had physically seen him made it fucking hilarious.

I looked over at Uncle Lucy and Nana Walburga to see their reaction to Dumbledore's hurried exit both of them were trying their best to contain their smiles as well, Aunt Minerva on the other hand wasn't trying to hide anything she was smirking outright. This made me even happier as I had never seen Aunt Minerva this vengeful in the short time I've known her.

Once the majority of the Wizengamot had left I made my way down the stairs to the centre of the oval room where the rest of the family gathered to leave. As I was reaching them, Minister Fudge bustled towards us with his Undersecretary in tow. Before he could reach us I gave Uncle Lucius and Nana Walburga an imperceptible nod, telling them to follow what I was about to do. They both winked back at me, and as he reached us Uncle Lucius straightened his back completely and spoke with a slight smirk.

"Well met, Minister Fudge. May I introduce you to our saviour, Lord Potter-Black". "Well met Lord Malfoy, how have you been?", he responded as he turned towards me with a large smile. "I still cannot believe myself, the Harry Potter standing before my very eyes. How have you been Mr. Potter-Black?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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