⁰⁷| Family Reunion {Part 3}

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The Slytherin Prince





~~~ August 1, 1990. 10.30 a.m. ~~~

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

"What are you trying to say Griphook? How can someone be sentenced to hell on earth without being given a fair trial!" I asked, sickened. "Even if he did betray my parents according to all of you, that is just word of mouth. How does the government know the truth without giving a trial to the supposed backstabber? Is the phrase 'Innocent until proven guilty' mean nothing to Wizards" I asked as I turned to Mr Malfoy and the other adults in the room.

"Harry," a tentative voice said from the back of the room. A man in worn clothes, roughly patched together, with bags under his eyes stepped forward. "Your father, Siri, Peter and I, Remus Lupin your other Godfather, were the best of friends, brothers in all but blood. From the day we met, we banded together and never let go of each other, even after we left Hogwarts" he said wistfully as if remembering better times.

"James and Sirius were like brothers and Kings of pranking when we were still at Hogwarts". Madam McGonagall smiled at that, almost wistfully. "But Sirius and I loved each other in a different way, as time flew by. He was my boyfriend since our third year at Hogwarts". I listened intently, for I had never before heard anything about my parents from those who were close to them.

"The four of us trusted each other with our lives. But the war was hard on us all, and certain measures had to be taken to ensure your parents' and your security. They performed what is called a 'Fidelius Charm', an extremely complicated bit of magic that can hide any type of information within a group of people and can only be shared if the 'Secret Keeper' shares it willingly".

I listened intently about the information on the Fidelius Charm as it sounded extremely useful. "No matter how close the four of us were, Sirius and James were inseparable and trusted each other to a fault, so did Lily. Did you know you have her eyes, but your facial features are those of Sirius and James combined?" he added as an afterthought. "You have James' nose and chin but have Sirius' high cheekbones and aristocratic face overall". This made me tear up a bit but a slender hand wrapped around my waist, and I leaned into the comforting touch of my Twin.

"Your father chose Siri to be the Secret Keeper to the location of the cottage you stayed in, because obviously, he deserved it as your godfather but also your real father as he blood-adopted you" he used the nickname unknowingly, obviously still not having gotten over my Godfather -the other Godfather and apparent backstabber, according to everyone, but I wasn't so sure anymore especially after Griphook's hidden advice.

"But Voldemort-" everyone else in the room flinched and the girl standing next Andromeda suddenly had violently purple hair. "Voldemort found out the location anyways, which means Sirius betrayed your parents. But according to the Minister- Cornelius Fudge, who then was a Hit wizard, killed Peter who confronted Sirius and twelve muggles with a single curse. The Ministry said that all they could recover of Peter was his pinky" he said the last part with a sob.

My Godmother went to console him, obviously having known him well. I took some time to sort through the information gained from Remus and filed it away and just concentrated on the arms that were wrapped around me and took comfort in them.

I shot a grateful look at my Twin who just nodded in understanding ans smiled. "Griphook, I want you to arrange a visit to my Godfather's cell. I think he might be innocent" I stated, much to everyone's surprise.

"If what you said about how close my fathers were true, I don't think that he would betray him". "Harry, I cannot do that. You have to arrange a formal meeting with someone high up in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and request rights to visit". I frowned in thought but someone broke my concentration. "But lucky for you Lord Potter, as Lady Bones and the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement your request to visit your Godfather is granted from an official capacity," said a voice from the back. It was from a stern, but a young lady who spoke. Next to her was a shy girl with blonde hair, unlike the Malfoys' silver-blonde it was a dirty blonde.

My Godmother smiled, "Ah! Amelia, how nice to see you. It has been a while since we spoke", she said, her Scottish accent showing through.

"So obviously all of you are either family or people my parents trusted wholeheartedly. So what do you all say about spending the day together and getting to know one another?" I asked. They all gave me a positive response and I grinned.

I turned to Griphook and Ragnok, "Thank you for everything you have done for me, even though you didn't have any obligation or a duty to do so" I thanked and held out my hand to shake. The Wizards looked at me weirdly, but I ignored it, along with the startled looks the pair of Goblins sent my way.

But Ragnok and Griphook shook my hand tentatively. "May your vaults overflow and your enemies cower at your feet" I offered the formal greeting custom to the Goblins that they had shared to me yesterday under my questioning about the Wizarding World. Both of them smirked at this and returned the greeting, "May your gold flow like a river and your foes flee before your blade". I smirked at them and stalked out of the office, my office. My hand intertwined with my new-found brother's.

To everyone's surprise, Lucius Malfoy nodded in farewell and the others followed his example. When I almost reached the doorway Ragnok called back at me, "Harry Potter, you are changing the world. I'll be damned if I'm not your ally". I played with him a little, I shook my head. "No, not all", his eyes darkened at that but changed quickly. "Not ally Ragnok, friend. My friend". I stalked out after that, but I knew he was smirking.

As my Twin and I walked down the long hallway, more of strutted but who cares, I asked him softly, "Hey, I think it's best if others don't find out about us being Twin-bonded, because I'm sure they will find a way to use that to their advantage and it could possibly endanger us, so how does it sound to be called The-Boy-Who-Lived's Brother?" I asked a bit nervously.

He smirked but looked straight ahead, "Sounds absolutely wonderful, brother". I chuckled at his antics. "Well do you think it time I learned my brother's name?" I asked jokingly. He gasped, "Oh my god! You still don't know my name". I chuckled as I nodded. Then he too chuckled softly.

"You asked me to be your brother before you even knew my name". "Yah, yah, whatever". He just chuckled again. "Draconus Lucius Malfoy," he said proudly. "Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter's brother. Has a nice ring to it wouldn't you say?" I said amused. "Yes, yes it does," he said happily.

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