¹⁰| We Have Questions

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The Slytherin Prince






~~~ August 2, 1990. 7.30 a.m. ~~~

~~~ Harry's POV ~~~

Once breakfast was done and all of us were filled to the brim, we adjourned to the sitting room to continue our discussion from yesterday.

"So who has my Blood Bill?" I asked. Remus pulled it out of his robes and held it out to me. I took one more look at it before speaking, "So I have several questions and think all of you do as well. Aunt Andro, can you write down all the questions in legal terms? We'll leave it to you since you work in that field" I explained. The others nodded and she waved her wand in front of her in some complicated moves and I watched as a beautiful wooden table appeared in front of her with ink, quill and parchment appeared in front of her.

"Ah, Ms Tonks, you still remember that handy little trick I taught you!" she exclaimed with obvious pride in her voice. Aunt Andro blushed but nodded graciously and looked to me to start.

"So, before I start asking away, please write all the questions down Aunt Andro. I want to ask Ragnok his opinions and answers even if all of you have the answers" I told everyone. They all nodded, and Aunt Andro just twirled her eagle-feathered quill.

"Firstly, how is Harry a Pureblood? I was under the impression that Lily was a muggle-born?" asked Uncle Remus. After Aunt Andro wrote it down, the flood-gates opened and out poured questions from everyone, about everything. After compiling everything, Aunt Andro handed me the very long list of questions, which my brothers and I looked over.

What does 'Corrupt' Soul mean?

How is Harry a Pureblood?

How is Harry 'Master of Death' and what does it entail?

How is he the Lord of Slytherin and Peverell?

How does Harry have access to the other Founders' Vaults?

How does he own Hogwarts?

How was a Lord of a Noble and Ancient House thrown into prison without a trial?

What is a Zoometamorphmagus, how is it related to an Animagus?

How did Harry become a Parselmouth?

What is Parselmagic?

What is the Death Tongue?

What is Shadow Manipulation and why can't wards detect it?

How can Dumbledore restrict Harry's Trust Vault?

How can Dumbledore access the Potter wealth?

How was the Compulsions on Harry broken?

How was Harry placed under Compulsions?

After reading through the questions and making sure that the others have not missed out on everything, I called "Dobby!". The hyper-active Elf *popped* into existence in front of me ready for instructions.

"Dobby, I want you to go to Ragnok and arrange a meeting at his earliest convenience where I can clear some doubts with him and Griphook present". Dobby nodded enthusiastically and *popped* out, making everyone giggle.

"So, everyone, what do you all say about a family shopping trip? I need to get my wardrobe fixed, I need to get a wand, a familiar and an Owl for mail delivery. I also need to get a haircut and some piercings". At the last statement, all the motherly figures in the room started squawking in protests, while Remus just guffawed, "You are your father's son Harry. Both your fathers' son" he said, smiling wistfully at me. "Sirius would have probably gotten a lip and nose piercing if there had been time for that. And James would have definitely pierced his tongue, well if it weren't for Lily threatening to cut the appendage off" he said chuckling and the others followed.

"I'm definitely not getting my tongue, nose or lip pierced," I said confidently, which made the previously mentioned ladies let out a breath in a collective sigh. "But. I am getting my ears pierced!". They just sighed in defeat while I grinned in victory.

"I also need furniture for my bedroom, wherever it is going to be. And I definitely need books. Lots and lots of books", this made Aunt Minnie and Remus smile proudly.

When the rest gave an affirmative we left to our rooms to freshen up and change if necessary. After returning to the Sitting room, Lucius led us to the Waiting room, to use the Floo, as it is much safer than apparating in such a big group.

Once we reached the communal Floo and everyone had dusted themselves off, I spoke up. "Okay everyone, separate into your smaller families inside our big happy family," I said cheekily, causing everyone to chuckle as well. "Do your shopping and meet back at Gringotts in two hours exactly, Toodles!".

After I told them what to do, funny right - a ten-year-old tells adults what to do. But after separating into our smaller groups, the Tonks together went off to shop for the new home that they had bought, Dowager Longbottom and Aunt Minnie went off to talk to other, older leading female figures in British society, the Bones went off to get her school supplies like me. Remus, Neville, the Malfoys and I together went off to get our wands. "Come, Harry, we need to get to Ollivanders'. It might take a long time for a wand to choose you" said Remus, hurrying us along.

But that's when I stopped dead in my tracks.

"What did you say? What was the shop name?" I said, my voice dangerously low, and almost like a growl. The adults exchanged worried looks while my brothers put their hands around my shoulders and tried to calm me down. It worked miraculously, I wonder if it is due to mine and Draco's bond.

"Don't you all know? Ollivander is one of the biggest supporters of Dumblefuck. The Ollivanders and Dumbledores having been Political and Familial allies for centuries, Griphook said so. I am not going anywhere near a shop that is so closely related to Albus too-many-middle-names Dumbledore" I said in a single breath, ranting my heart out.

Neville and Draco just tighten their hands on my shoulders, but Lucius has a contemplative look. "Harry, Ollivander makes all his wands previously and asks his customers to choose what fits them best. But it might not always be the best fit you could get. Supposedly, in Knockturn Alley, there is a shop that sells custom-made wands. Why not try there?" he asks after explaining.

I immediately accepted and followed Lucius into Knockturn Alley, dragging my two very amused brothers behind me.

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