Chapter 6 Part 1

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Three weeks had passed from the first time they saw each other. On the days they had no work, they spent all of their time together. The two had become quite fond of one another. They spent nights on Jimmy's couch watching old movies and the mornings playing music in the kitchen. Everything was perfect just as it was.

Movie nights were Gwen's favorite. He had a project with an impressive film collection. They watched seeimingly whatever they wanted. Jimmy was a talented projectionist and eased the reel onto the projector with grace. 

Just the other night, the couple watched Rosemary's Baby, a movie made by Roman Polanski. She'd read the book, which was published just a year before the movie. She thought it was much better than the movie but Jimmy enjoyed it. Although it painted witchcraft in a bad light he thought it was a pleasurable viewing experince. They talked about their opinions as the credits rolled, Gwen crying, "The book was better!" 

"Love, the book is always better." 

"Still dissapointed." 

"Well, you revel in your superiority." He laughed. 

"I think I will, Mr. Page." 

"Very formal, I like it." 

"What did you think of it?" 

"I thought it was fine," he shrugged, "it dragged in the middle, but it was fine." 

Today they had plans to celebrate Mabon. This was Jimmy's idea. He read about the holiday in a book Gwen lent him. They shared everything. They exchanged clothing, books, records, and everything else in between. They were particularly happy to share clothing. Especially Jimmy, he had an entire new closet of feminine clothes to try on. They were the same size on account of his Disney Princess waist.

Gwen pulled into his driveway at a quarter past 5. They planned to trek into the forest and celebrate the equinox together at dawn. "Good morning!" She called into the living room. Jimmy was sat on his couch reading a book. It was a new one. "Hello, love." He said. She leaned down and pecked him on the cheek. She walked around the couch and sat on the floor in front of the coffee table and laid out the items she brought.

She was already dressed in her ritual clothing. She owned a small collection of robes and cloths, choosing to wear her purple and gold robe. Jimmy was yet to change into his. He also owned a small but more decorative assortment of ceremonial clothing. He chose to wear a short cloak of sorts, which was black and adorned with ornamnetal patterns in black thread. 

"Okay, we have sage incense, citrine, tigers eyes, and red jasper. I also have the salt mix I told you about last night. It's mixed with pink salt, cayenne pepper, and ginger. It should be perfect for home protection." She said. Jimmy admired her while she rambled about the activities for the day. They both knew exactly what they were going to do, but she needed to lay the plan out to him anyway. 

She's absolutely a Virgo rising. She needs everything to be neat and in order. That's what I love about her, she's so put together. Always punctual and cares so about her career. He thought about how much he liked her as she rambled. This was a trait of hers, a routine. Her words came out in ribbons, a stream of consciousness. 

The harsh winter air bit at their faces as they walked into the trees. Their hands were enveloped in an embrace. It comforted him to always be in contact with her. The soft skin she possessed was inviting, a warm place for him to rest after a long and cold day. 

This confused her at first, his need for contact. After a few days she grew to enjoy it. The brushing of their hands was reassuring. She was always delighted when she felt the familiar touch from him. Even if it was just a knocking of their knees; he had to know she was there with him.

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