Chapter 8

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The two loaded into the car, prepared for their long drive. "I appreciate you coming with me today. I honestly don't think I would've gotten through this shoot alone." 

"Of course. I mean, I got you the gig so it would only be fitting that I come with. I hope things go well. This is probably the biggest shoot you've gotten. Besides Zeppelin, of course." 

"Yeah, I hope so too. I hope this shoot goes well so I can rub it in Johnathan's face. You know he didn't want to cover for Allison on the Peter Sellers shoot? I couldn't believe it! He doesn't believe in me. To think, I couldn't cover one shoot for the Magic Christian issue this month. That could've really helped my recognition. It's like he sabotaging me!" She rambled angrily, dropping all of her frustrations into his lap. She was beyond nervous. She didn't want to admit it, but not having the guidance of Johnathan or Allison was really daunting. She was on her own for the first time. Jimmy could see this, that's why he agreed to come. He wouldn't even be getting out of the car. She just needed him to be there for moral support. 

"Hey, don't do that. You know you're a good photographer. I love those photos you took. They're...sparkling." He searched for the right words to comfort her. It seemed to work. She could feel her anxieties melt away as his tender words reached her ears. "You're right. There's a reason The Who agreed to have me. They think my work is sufficient." She nodded. 

"Much more than sufficient. They loved it! They thought your color work was grand. And it is, I may add. You're great." He placed a soothing hand on her shoulder. She felt his agile fingers over the sweater covering her arms. "And I'll be there as well. Not every step of the way, but I'll be waiting for you when you're finished." His smile was large and accommodating. 

Gwen plowed through the photoshoot, trying her best to strike interesting and light conversation. It seemed to work, the band was cooperative and engaged in her small talk. She could feel the tightness of their group. They huddled together in a group shot without her having to ask. There was minimal efforts for their posing. 

"Awe, Roger, I love that jacket, it matches your eyes really well and pulls everything together." She said with a smile. He smiled back her, showing his bright teeth. He was smitten with her. He was attracted to her from the moment he laid eyes on her. She looked wonderful in that sweater, it clashes against her hair in a wonderful way. 

"Pete, I think your hair looks wonderful, it is such a nice color. Can I have you move over to the right a bit more?" This was a new habit she'd picked up, something that was lacking at the shoot with Zeppelin. She found that if she complimented her clients they'd open up more. She admired the way people bloomed after a string of lovely compliments. She went on to tell Keith his top looked nice, which he beamed at. 

John was shy, keeping to himself for most of the shoot. Gwen found him the most stubborn, not wanting to emote or really open up. He, much like Jonesy, was quiet. She wondered if this was an effect of the unknown bassist or the namesake. He was resilent when she told him he liked his ring. He just nodded and thanked her, sitting still for another shot. 

"Hold on, John, I need to fix your hair." She walked over to the table where they were sat and stood in front of him. She toyed with his fringe, moving it square in front of him. As she did this, she looked into his eyes as she did this. "There we go, that looks great," she ended with a smile. "You have the most wonderful eyes, they look marvelous in this light. They're very rounded and magnetic. You're going to look wonderful." He smiled, his cheeks glowing red. He had opened up now, fully fleshed and ready to be photographed. It was amazing, what a few compliments could do. 

With one last flash, she snapped a photo. The photoshoot was over. The unsettling task was over and she hadn't died, passed out, or embarrassed herself. "That was beautiful! Thank you all for a lovely shoot. I'll have my boss contact you once they're developed and ready for gallery." She nodded as she talked, gathering her items into her camera bag. 

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