Chapter 27

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Lorelei and Gwen decided to have a girl's day. It was the first day out of three that they had off. No shows, no planes, and no work to be done. This was a small vacation. Sure, they were stuck in Tulsa, but they could still have fun. The sun would be out for at least today.

They walked along the sidewalk, sightseeing until they came upon a strip of shops. "Can we go in?" Gwen nodded and they went into the large store on the corner. The sign out front read Gimbles in big neon letters. 

Gwen wasn't a fan of the shop, now preferring a warm London look. She didn't consider this while she was still in there, but living in England was making a big impact on her. Her style was the main victim of this new life. She wore sweater vests, thick pants, jackets, and platform loafers. She dressed like Jimmy but with a more feminine, witchy edge.

"Oh my gosh, look at this!" Lorelei held up a white satin dress. It was long with pink flowers and short, flouncy sleeves. 

"That is so cute! You need to get it. It would look great on you." Gwen said. 

"I have to try it on first. I am so short that long dresses don't fit me." 

Gwen busied herself with looking through the racks while Lorelei went to try her dress on. She found a black skirt. It was pleated and had buttons. She imagined wearing it in the few short weeks of English sun that would be out when they went back home. Lorelei returned five minutes later, wearing a smile, boasting that her dress fit.

They continued shopping for a little while longer. Lorelei's final haul was something out of Granny Takes a Trip. It was psychedelic, calling back to fashion from a few years ago. That is why Gwen didn't like Gimbles. It was never updated and didn't suit her preferences. She'd found a few pleasing pieces, a halter with multiple sun faces, a vest, and a checkered dress. She was sure Jimmy would steal the vest but wanted it for herself regardless.

They went into three more stores, where Gwen bought nothing. Lorelei found a nice pair of sunglasses and a few more pieces of clothing. Back on the pavement, the hot sun beat down on their necks and parched their throats. They decided to get ice cream to solve their problem. 

"This is perfect." Lorelei sighed as they sat on a picnic bench. 

"It's so nice out. I feel great in the sun." Gwen said. She tried her best to enjoy it, knowing she would soon be back in the cold climate of England.

"I'm ready for fall. It's a little too hot here." 

"Well, when you've been living in an ice box for a year, the sun is a welcome change." 

"It can't be that cold in England. It's not even that cold in France."

"You've been to France?" Gwen asked, pulling her sunglasses down. 

"Yeah, with an old band boyfriend," she looked away, licking her ice cream. 

Gwen chuckled to herself. "You're always surprising me." 

"You know, I'm surprised you and Jimmy are together." 

Gwen crinkled her brow. "Why is that?"

"Well, he's a Capricorn, for one. You don't take well to their stubbornness," Gwen nodded. She wasn't wrong about that, "And he's a total slut. A lady-killer."

"What do you mean by that? You've mentioned his reputation before, but I never wanted you to elaborate. I want you to now." Her voice was pointed but she wasn't angry. The integrity of her relationship being questioned hit a sore spot. She was no longer on stable footing, her insecurities on display. She didn't enjoy being splayed open, exposed for Lorelei to dissect all her points of contrast.

"I knew this girl once who dated him. Well, dated in loose terms. You know how it is in the groupie scene. She was a lovely girl, honestly. I really liked her. She dated Jimmy for like two months, she went on a short tour with them. She was one of the longest girls he kept around. But then one day, he was with another girl and it killed her. She cried and cried to me. He's a lady killer." Lorelei's words were apathetic, a little tone-deaf. Perhaps she wasn't thinking and didn't realize the effect her story would have on Gwen. 

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