Chapter 4: It's Her Fucking Nightmare

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Her heart was racing and she started shaking.

A throbbing headache occurred and she felt like she could've cried.

"Hey (ex), it's your girl!" A kid nudged the kid with glasses.

"Hey (ex), your girl wrote a song about you."

The group of boys were laughing and nudging.

"Will you just fuck off?" Y/N blurted out.

"Dude! She's calling you out!"

"I didn't even do anything." He grinned.

"Who the fuck is this?"

Like a superhero, Matt's voice was heard and Y/N looked up.

She mumbled and quickly walked away to isolate herself from the overwhelming and emotional mess.

"What part of back the fuck away do you not get, man?" She heard his voice raise but distance out.

Y/N sat against the wall by the auditorium doors and hid her face in her hands.

Trying to catch her breath, she bit her tongue and let a tear flow.

Her hands were shaking like crisp fall leaves and she felt like she was going to faint she was burning up.

"There you are!"

She recognized Zacky's voice.

She looked up and Zacky and Johnny were standing there.

"It's taken care of now, you don't have to hide here." Johnny sighed.

"I'm not hiding...I'm..I-I'm just trying to...cope..." She tried to breathe.

Zacky bent down and felt her forehead.

"I got it, man." He said.

"You sure, man?"

"Yeah, just tell Syn and Matt she's with me it's cool."

And with that, Johnny nodded and left.

"What happened?" Y/N asked.

"I'll tell you once you calm down." He said as she was still out of shape.

"Jesus Christ, Y/N..." He said concerningly.

"See, this is what he does to me. This is why I'm so fucked up. I wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for him. Ever since he came into my life I've been nothing but fucked in the head." She exclaimed with fury as Zacky looked down and took a sharp notice to something.

He grasped her arm.

"When did you do this?" He asked strictly.

He was pointing to her cuts and scars.

"I don't know.." She pulled back and stood up.

"Stand up." He said as she obeyed and he wrapped his arm around her and started walking.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see. Remember my note too?"

"Oh yeah.." She took a deep relaxed sigh.

She spotted him and his group of friends get quiet when he took notice to her presence.

But he watched.

With a little envy...

"So how'd you like playing your first concert, sugar?" He smiled down at her.

"It was scary...but it was also really fun. I hope I did okay." She blushed.

"You actually shredded up there. Both Syn and I were shocked." He said, "oh shit," he said, "lets turn back around and go back into the equipment room. I think I'm done with meet and greets anyways." He said.

Fiction - Part 1 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें