Chapter 9: We Come Out At Night

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She watched him walk back and after a bit she followed him.

"It's all good." Brian said as Matt and Johnny looked back and smiled and walked to the stage with Brian.

"You alright, kiddo?" The Rev kindly fluffed her hair.

"Yeah." She chuckled.

"Sweet." He smiled and walked back to his drum set.

"LETS FUCKING GO!" He yelled as Zacky approached her with his bright green eyes surrounded by red eyeshadow in which she melted over.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine!"

"Just stay by me for the video, alright?"

"Okay." She nodded as the secret couple walked to the stage together.


That night, the band was driving from the video shoot.

"Where are we off to now?" Y/N asked crammed next to The Rev and Zacky.

"Wherever you-"

"Dude lets just go get fucking wasted, man." The Rev said.

"We can't go to the club, dude." Johnny said.

"We can go..." she shrugged.

"No way." Matt shook his head.

"No it's fine I'll just um...."

"I'll watch her." Zacky said.

The guys laughed.

"Dude come on." Matt grinned.

"I'll take her if we're gonna go." Brian said.

"I second that." Johnny slightly raised his hand.

Y/N looked up at her boyfriend with worry.

She just wanted to do something with Zacky socially but now that Brian just....well....expressed himself earlier, she doesn't want to ruin any relationship, romantic or not, with any of them.

"Dude I just said I'd watch her. I know what to expect now and-"

"Syn hasn't even gotten the chance to take responsibility, dude." Matt defended the guitarist.

"I'm so lost." The Rev said.

"When she first got here we left her under Zacky's watch and our first night we went to a club and when Zacky forgot about her some chick threw herself at Y/N and shit." Matt exclaimed.

"Then the second time we left her under Zacky's watch was at her high school for that performance we gave. Well like I told you we got into that fight with some asshole punk and when Johnny called Matt and Zacky when I was at the hospital, they left Y/N behind at the school." Brian gave Zacky a look.

"You said they, so technically that wasn't ALL my fault." Zacky glared.

"Well damn!" The Rev said as the girl chuckled.

"You know what, Y/N's the one being watched so let HER pick who she wants to stick with then." The Rev spoke.

"I honestly don't know I mean-"

"Fine. Jimmy, you pick." Matt said.

"Matt and I are included." Johnny said.

"What about-"

"No." Brian and Zacky synchronized without looking away from him.

"Well fuck you guys then, alright um....." He squinted his eyes, "I'll leave the princess under the arms of........prince Syn!" He high fived Brian.

"Just make sure you DONT lose her and you keep her AWAY from-"

"I know, man, I know I'm not stupid."

"Yeah but you are when you're drunk off your ass."

"Alright, enough, enough, were here." Matt said.

They all got out and heard the booming of the music and the neon lights glowing bright colors and flashing boldly.

"Hey come here a second," Matt pulled Y/N to the side, "take your phone out."


"Just take it out."

And so she did.

"Let me see that." He said as he started typing.

"There. If anything happens or you need something just call me, understand? I put my number in there."

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah. I'll catch you later. Have fun and be careful." He said as he followed the guys inside.

"Be careful." Zacky walked up and said quietly to her face as she nodded casually and he walked inside with a sigh.

"Ready, babe?" Brian asked.

"Ready." She smiled and the two walked in.

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