Chapter 16: Darkness Surrounding

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Eventually the band arrived to Florida once Y/N was fully recovered.

It took about two or three days until they let her go though.


Arriving in Florida was super exciting for the six of them.

Super exciting.

Y/N was even more excited because she was being escorted through big crowds by security guards.

"Keep your sunglasses on and your head down. Don't respond to anyone unless Shadows and I say so, okay?" Zacky said as she nodded and the two walked side by side next to two guards through a crowd that led them into their hotel.

"Zacky! Zacky over here!"


"Zacky! Is that your new female friend?"

"Zacky can I take a picture?"

"Zacky who is that you're walking with?"

"Zacky how do you feel about performing here on late notice?"

"Why was Avenged so late?"

"Who is that girl? That's not Gena!"

"Where's Gena?"


Eventually they made it into the hotel and into a safe room.

"Wow.." she said as she fixed her hair in a mirror and Zacky came over and placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her cheek.

"Take a picture." He said as she pulled out her phone and took the picture of them in the mirror with Zacky planting a kiss on her cheek.

She grinned when she saw the picture and she set it as her wallpaper.

"FUCK!" The Rev yelled as he tripped into the room.

"DUDE! How the fuck did you get passed them?" Zacky quickly let go of Y/N.

"I dressed as security, bro." The Rev laughed and took off his glasses and costume.

Y/N wandered around as Zacky helped the other guys with luggage and equipment and she found a door.

She peeked through the crack and it led to a pond outside.

With ducks.

"Rev!" She grinned and spun around.

He smiled and walked over.

"What's up, buttercup?"

"Look!" She pointed and he peeked through and gasped.


The guys turned around and watched Y/N and Rev dart outside.

"LOOK AT THE FUCKING DUCKS!" He yelled as the security raced after them.

"HEY! GET IN HERE!" Matt and Brian yelled as Y/N started chasing after the ducks and was laughing.

"JESUS CHRIST!" The Rev yelled.

"COME HERE YOU FUCKING STALLION DUCK!" Y/N yelled as she chased the ducks but when they were ready to attack back she screamed.

"THAT'S WHY I SAID TO GET BACK HERE." Matt shook his head but smiled faintly.

The Rev and the grinning girl walked back in laughing hysterically.

Their laughter made the others laugh.

The Rev and Y/N were laughing so hard that it sounded like a new piece for a new song.

Zacky whipped out a recorder and secretly recorded the two laughing uncontrollably.

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