Chapter 12: It's His Fucking Nightmare

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"I'm gonna go get the guys. Okay, babe?" He whispered close to her face as she nodded sleepily.

"It's gonna be okay." He said before he left.

As she lied there, she thought about how Zacky Vengeance, rhythm guitarist of her most favorite band EVER just said he loves her.

"-started talking normally again. She's still a little sleepy for some reason but I got her to talk." Zacky's voice came closer as he followed the nurse into the room followed by the other guys.

"Hey, (prefix of name)," the nurse said as Y/N responded with a faint hi.

"How are you feeling?"


"Does anywhere hurt?"

"Just my nose now..."

"Well it's gonna be in pain for a while until it starts to heal." She exclaimed.

"When will she be able to leave?" Brian asked.

The nurse sighed a heavy sigh.

"Alright," she said, "tell you what, I'll let her leave tomorrow morning. But you guys have to be by her side at all times and make sure nothing's hurting except her nose and make sure she takes the prescribed pills I-"

It was then heavy breathing occurred.

Y/N was tossing and turning and clenching into the bed sheets.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" The nurse went to her side.

The girl wasn't answering.

"I need assistance in here stat!" The nurse yelled as she shoved the guys towards the door.

"I'm gonna ask you to leave."

"No what's wrong with her?" Matt raised his voice.

"Sir, I-"

The commotion stopped from her bed.

Zacky and Brian's face flushed color and Shadows turned to stone while Johnny furrowed his eyebrows and the Rev opened his mouth a bit.

"Y/N?" The nurse asked.


It was then two nurses came rushing in with equipment and started hooking Y/N up to it.

"We need security, get them out of here." The nurse said as one left the room.

"Can you just tell us what the hell is going on?" The Rev spoke.

"We don't know, sir! That's why we need you to leave!" She hollered as two cops came.

"Come on." One said.

"No, I'm staying right here you can go fuck yourself you-"

"Hey hey hey!" The other cop and Matt and The Rev yelled over Zacky.

"Talk to me like that again in front of an ill child and I'll make sure you pay, man, you got that?"
"Is that a threat?" Brian spoke as Matt patted The Rev and Johnny's back.

"Y/N, don't you fucking quit!" Matt yelled.

"Watch your language!" The cop barked back.

"I'm not leaving." Brian shook his head.

"Me either."

"You've got three seconds to get your asses out of that-"

"Did you not just tell him to watch his language? Then you go and cuss? Dude what the hell, man?" Brian sassed as the tall cop yanked his arm and Brian about punched him back but the other cop stopped him.

Zacky quickly leaned over by his girlfriend.

"Y/N, baby it's Zacky please don't quit on me please don't you fucking quit we need you to get better okay I love you and the other guys love you too you can't do this to us fight whatever demon is inside of you and come back to us okay come back to me baby I know you're only (age) but we can still be together I don't care what the guys will say just stop scaring me right now and get better do you understand me get better you're my babydoll you can't fucking do this to me, alright? I love you, fight this demon." Zacky quickly and emotionally hissed in her ear right before the second cop yanked Zacky and tossed him out of the room.

The door shut with a bang.

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