Chapter 8: The Beast and the Plot Twist

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"Alright! Are we ready?!"

"3, 2, 1....ACTION!"

The Rev started banging on the drums and Brian started playing with Zacky and Y/N.

Dressed from head to toe in the same apparel for their music video.

The Beast and the Harlot.

But for Y/N, (which they were including in their remastered video), was dressed in her tall black laced up boots, her bright red skinny jeans, a black tank top and a black necklace and she wore her makeup similar to Brian's.

Black around the eyes with exaggerated "wings" rolling down her cheek.

Y/N played side by side with Zacky and she looked around at the videos extras.

The girl that played the harlot. Or the stripper. Or the girls Zacky had spun around.

She kept playing and tried to ignore them.

But when the chorus came up an it was time to switch scenery, she couldn't play.

"She's a dwelling place for demons~" Matt sang as beautiful women dressed in panties and bras watched them on the side.

Y/N stopped playing and waved her hands in the air.

"Cut, cut!" She bit her bottom lip in embarrassment.

The band and women looked at her and Brian and Matt looked at each other and walked over to her and pulled her to the side.

"What's wrong?" Matt asked.

"Ugh, I don't know." She ran her fingers through her hair.

She couldn't admit her jealously and insecurities to the guys.

And she most certainly couldn't admit her even stronger jealousy over Zacky and Brian being surrounded by the women.

"What's going on here?" The Rev asked as him and Zacky and Johnny walked up.

"Guys, guys, hang on a second just back up." Brian said as he pulled Y/N away from them and farther away from the stage.

"Alright, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Just...ugh I don't know it's hard to focus playing...I guess..."

"What, is it all of the girls?"

How did he know...?

"Well, I mean I'm just a small (age) year old surrounded by all of these beautiful and good looking adults and-"

"Alright then we'll just cut them out!" He said simply.


Brian chuckled.

"Does it look like I even CARE that they're there?"

'Yes..' she thought

Y/N opened her mouth but didnt speak.

"Come on," he placed his hand on her shoulder, "there's only one special girl for me." He said as she furrowed her eyebrows and when she looked up Brian planted a small, yet, sweet kiss on her lips.

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