Chapter 17: Tonight the World Dies...(and her happiness)

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"No no no, I'm just tired kind of. I was standing for a straight 3 hours or whatever that was and I have a small headache."

"Well rides won't certainty help that."

"It'll be fine. Maybe you and I can do something else and we can ride rides tomorrow. Yeah what if they went to party and you and I did something?"

"They'll bitch at me for not being responsible enough."

"Don't listen to them! I'll say I wanna go with you this time and I mean it."

"You saying you didn't mean it before?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No no no! I was saying-"

"I'm kidding.." He grinned and chuckled as she smiled a tad and slapped his arm.

"But yeah, we can do that." He added.

"But I don't wanna take you away from your fun parties."

"I've been to so many parties I'll live without going to one.."

She sighed but nodded.

They arrived to the limo with the rest of the band and they were off when they got in.

She was closest to the door but sat next to Zacky.

"Oh my gosh, did you guys see that one guy crowed surfing and he fell?" Y/N spoke up as they chuckled.

"Yeah. What was he like, sixty-something?" Matt grinned.

"He was just like, such an oddball like, all of this dangly skin and shit oh god!" She laughed and Zacky laughed too.

"Or did you see the one guy that had the tattoo on his forehead?"

"No what was it?"

"It said like, 'No Hate' but with an 8 instead of the word but the 8 looks like a B so it was like, no HB" Zacky chuckled with Y/N.

"Here lets take a picture." She said as she pulled out her phone and everyone got in the pic.

She jumped a bit when Zacky secretly placed his hand on her hip and slightly ticked her.

"The fuck?" Johnny asked as she bursted out laughing.

"I got the chills out of nowhere sorry." She said as Zacky did it again.

"Will you stop it?" She finally slapped his arm and he laughed.

"What's he doing?" Matt raised and eyebrow.

"He keeps touching my arm like, to stimulate a spider or something."

The guys chuckled.

"Lets see it." The Rev said as she showed them the picture.

"That's cute." She said as she set it as her wallpaper.

It was then the band got involved in a conversation so this was the time to let her sit and ponder to herself a bit.


Not to make this story sound rushed, but fast forwarding a bit, the band finally arrived and checked into their hotel.

Their hotel rooms were absolutely breath taking.

Each room consisted of queen sized beds, a living room, two bathrooms, two huge bedrooms, a hot tub, an air hockey table, and so much more.

"Alright, so where are we off to?" Brian clapped his hands together as they started walking down the hallway with security guards on their side.

"You guys go on and party or whatever. Zacky and I are gonna go ride rides." Y/N said.

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