Chapter 18: Tonight the World Dies...(and his happiness)

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"Zacky listen, I love you and I have loved you with full honesty since I started getting serious with my music and you're just so funny and sweet and caring and protecting but I think I should leave.." She cried.

"What?" He asked in disbelief and held her arms.

"I said I think I should leave. I still love you Zacky but I'm just so fucked up right now nothing feels right for me in my life everything feels like it's one big mess and I need to clean it all up so I can be happy. Don't get me wrong, you do out a smile on my face and make me feel very lucky and pretty and all but it doesn't feel...right! One side is telling the truth about love and that's me and I DONT need to get hurt again especially from another guy who I have even stronger feelings for than I did for (ex). I'm sorry Zacky." She cried and started to take off.

"Hey, wait!" He called as he took off after her.

She pulled out her phone when she hid and called Rick.

"Rick, I'm at the front entrance of the park meet me there in ten." She hung up and when Zacky was nowhere in sight she took off again.

Surprisingly, she reached the front without finding Zacky.

And Rick was there.

"What's the trouble?" He asked as she quickly got in.

"Just drive me to the airport." She said as he sighed but nodded.

"Y-yes, miss."

She cried hard in the back seat.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" She whispered to herself as she felt like she was trapped.

She pulled out her phone.

' To: Rev

Hey, it's Y/N. I just
wanted to
let you know that I
am still shocked you're
alive but I also want
you to know that I
love you and I'll
never EVER forget
our time together.

I love you, Rev '

'To: Johnny

Hey, it's me. I just
want to let you know
that I will always and
never ever ever forget
the time I spent with you
and you're such a nice
and cool and funny
guy. Thank you for
letting me know someone
like you.

I love you'

'To: Bri

Hey, it's me. I just wanna
let you know that I will
never ever forget the time
I spent with you. You're
so special to me and you
have been for months.
Thank you for everything.
Please don't forget about

I love you'

'To: Shadz

Hey. Listen, don't ask
questions. But I want you
to know that I will never ever
EVER forget the time I spent
with you. Out of all of the guys
you and Zacky were the most
caring for me and I will never
forget how nice of a guy you really
are, Matt.
Please never forget me..

I love you'

'To: Zacky

I'll always love you...please
don't forget about me. It's
not your fault either.

I'm so sorry..'

She stopped and took a breath.

It was then her phone was going off like crazy.


Messages were flying in and calls were being thrown at her.

Messages included:

Fiction - Part 1 Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz