Chapter 13: I Won't See You Tonight Pt. 1

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7 hours later.......

Zacky, Brian, and Matt sat in the waiting room alone while The Rev and Johnny went back home to get some sleep while they're on night duty.

".....she's the closest to us three." Matt spoke out of silence.

Brian looked up and Zacky nodded slightly.

"I don't know why, but she is...maybe because finding out the rev is alive and everything she's a little...."

"Intimidated." Brian suggested.

"Yeah. And Johnny..."

"He just doesn't talk much, man." Zacky rubbed his face.

"......I don't get it."

"I know, man."

"No, I mean I don't get how a punch caused this life or death situation!" Matt said in a frustrated manner.

"Hey," the nurse walked over with a sigh and sat down.

"How is she?" They sat up.

"She's not dead." She shook her head as the guys let out a huge breath of relief.

"But," she said as they eyed her, "......she's in a coma....we don't know when she will wake up. We're trying to figure out WHAT caused her to suddenly shut down like she did. We have a feeling that something might have damaged a nervous system in her brain. Or it might be lack of blood that's not circling right in her head. She did lose a lot, after all which would also explain the dousyness."

"When can we see her?" Brian asked.

"You can go in there now. But be careful around the equipment."

The three guys looked at each other and sat up.

They walked down the hall and opened the door to find a peacefully sleeping Y/N.

Brian gulped and walked forward.

He stared down at her.

"'s all my fault..." He whispered.

"Come on, man it's-"

"It's all my fault." He hissed through his teeth, "I took her out to dance a bit and I'm the one that got her involved with the social circle-"

"It's your ex wife's fault, Brian, don't you get that? You didn't plan for her to come up to Y/N and punch her face so hard that she's in a fucking coma, man." Zacky said quietly as he sat on the chair next to his sleeping beauty's bed.

There was a slight knock on the door.

"Can I ask one of you, whoever her guardian is to sign a few papers at the front desk?" Another nurse asked.

The guys looked at each other.

"I've got-"

"No man, I've got it." Zacky stood and followed the nurse out of the door.

"Why did he go?" Matt whispered as he sat on a chair.

Brian sighed and shook his head.

"I don't know." He said in annoyance.

Brian wanted to sign the papers.

Brian wanted to be her "guardian"

.....but he couldn't admit that.


"Okay, and right here I need you to write down your relationship to the patient. Is that your daughter?"

Zacky blinked at his hand with the pen and looked up.

"Yeah...yeah she's a daughter." He nodded and wrote down 'a daughter' on the line.

"Okay, And if you could fill out this paper please. Then after that fill out this one and you'll be all set." She grinned and Zacky sat down with the papers.

Buzz buzz buzz

Zacky pulled his phone out and saw he had a reminder.

'Take (prefix of name) out for the night.'

Frustrated, he shoved the phone back in his pocket.

"Can't do that shit now can we?"

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