Chapter 13

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(So, I'm saying that TV show Slappy is Wally because they never filmed Night of the living dummy 1, showing that they made Wally first and ran out of money to make Slappy so they improvised in the TV episodes. Also he looks like how the book describes him, so I'm just going with it. Thanks )

I wake up, it was Monday. I slip away from Slappy and Chucky's grip without waking them up somehow. I decided to make breakfast, I fixed myself some Trix cereal, figuring it would be easier to eat in my kitten bowl.  I still couldn't find the other plates, so I took the two plates for Slappy and Chucky and decided to make red velvet pancakes. I sit them down on the table, as I began licking up the Trix is for kids cereal. The humiliation of licking out of the bowl had diminished. I hear them walk out of the bedroom. "Good Morning~" Slappy says. "Grmp." Chucky grunts, annoyed, clearly not being a morning person. 

"Thanks for the breakfast Slave" Chucky states, as he began eating the red velvet pancakes. I still can't believe they eat. "Today when you get back I want you to be ready." Slappy says. "Ready for?" I question, looking up from my bowl. "I will be releasing Wally, and he loves meeting new 'friends'...  I want to give you a heads up, since he will be here when you get home." Slappy replies, as I nod. "Be on your best behavior, Slave" Chucky orders. "When you get back from school, head straight to the bedroom, an outfit will be there waiting. Just prepare yourself" Slappy adds, as I put up all the dishes in the sink as I wash them. Prepare myself, why do I need to- What am I up against?... I thought. "Just don't freak out when you see an unfamiliar doll face sitting at the table or walking around. " Chucky says, clearly reading my worried thoughts. "O-ok. I won't" I reply grabbing my bag. "Are you coming?" I ask. "No, I think it will be better for me to talk to my brother, that he can catch up, with all that's going on" Slappy says. "Alright, I'll see you guys around 3pm" I state waving goodbye heading out. 

Slappy and Chucky's point of view:

We watch Y/n walk out the door, Slappy takes the book out of his suit, as he had put it in there when he got up that morning. "So are we gonna summon this motherfucker or what?" Chucky asks. Slappy nods. "His names Wally alright? So don't really go cussing him out..." Slappy replies. "Ok" Chucky replies sarcastically, as Slappy opens the book...A bright light appears, knocking both dolls back....

Y/n's point of view:

I arrived at 1st period. "Hi, Y/n? How's the restoration coming with the dolls?" Sam asks, I jump slightly, this was the first time they talked to me in a while. "Um...Yeah, I shined up Slappy's shoes and re-sewed Chucky's overalls." I reply as they nod. "I heard Tyler say that the dolls caused him to fall off the ladder" Sonny states. "And, Sonny and I had this weird glitch with Chucky were he kept saying he wanted you. I researched Good guy dolls, there only supposed to say 3 phrases" Sam adds, shocking me. "Well, what exactly are you saying? That there alive? That's impossible, Tyler was just hallucinating and I didn't even have the dolls with me when I walked out of the Classroom. As with Chucky, I'm sure it was just a weird glitch because it hasn't happened to me" I reply, I hated lying but I had to get them off my backs. They nod..."Well, I'm sorry, but I don't want you to share the dolls with me, there just to creepy and weird for me." Sam says.  I nod. "Pay attention" The teacher yells at us. 

7th period came, and today was just a regular Monday, no raffles or surprises. Only the surprise when I saw Tyler walk into class. He had a cast on one of his arms the other one was healed. "Welcome to my class! It's nice how well your recovering" The teacher states, His eyes stop on mine I look away from Tyler. Ever since that incident, everyone has been treating me different, There scared of me. "Class dismiss!" The teacher says, I had dozed off and I flinched when the bell rung. 

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