Chapter 36

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I wake up, slowly, my head was buried in Slappy's chest as Chucky's lips were touching my neck from behind. "Oh, you're awake, now" Slappy says. "Are you ok? You were saying things in your sleep last night." Chucky states. "I was?" I asked confused. "Yes, I told you Chucky, that it must have been a nightmare, I have done a study on normal human sleep patterns and-" Slappy starts, but Chucky interrupts. "Yes, I get it nerd, you seem to forget that I was a normal human" Chucky states. "You were normal?" Slappy asks. I giggle, Chucky shakes his head. I get up and head to the kitchen. The dolls follow behind me. 

I decided to make fruit loops cereal. I could feel Chucky and Slappy staring at me while I fixed breakfast. We all decided to eat, I licked up the colorful rings from my black and white cat bowl that read 'Slave~' . "I have an Idea, but it probably won't work" I state. "Go, on" Chucky says. "If we turned Stine into a marionette, maybe we could turn you dolls into humans?" I reply. "No, I don't really want to be a human" Chucky states, Slappy looks at me. "No, I meant that maybe you guys, could have like a human form? And the doll form could be like default?" I ask. "That could work...And it does sound interesting" Slappy adds. 

"Well, we will still technically be dolls, meaning that, in our human form, the sperm will not be able to impregnate you, if that's what you're getting at" Chucky says. "Yeah, I'm ok with that, I just wanted to take you guys out places with me. Like going on dates together" I reply. "I like the idea" Slappy states. "Yeah, I'm down, that way we could do stuff together on the weekends" Chucky says. "Ok, then it's settled, I will start working on the book" Slappy states as he cracks his knuckles. 

"Ok, I'll wait for you" I state, Slappy nods and walks off. "Hey, wait Blockhead! You're probably going to make me short, or do something stupid. I'm coming with you" Chucky yells. I follow them to the bedroom, not wanting to be alone. The typewriter sits in the corner. "Ok, I'll start with me first, then I'll start with you" Slappy states. Chucky nods, sitting on the bed next to me. Slappy begins typing.  "I'm obviously going to keep my powers and Chucky's powers, but do you want me to keep the cracks in my face, or?" Slappy asks, looking over at me. "Yes, but make them more natural like scars or blemishes" I reply, Slappy nods. Slappy begins typing again. And typing. And typing. An hour passes... 

"What is taking so Long?" Chucky whines. "Almost done...There now you're turn" Slappy states. "Ok, I want to have my bloodied stitches as badass scars, and I'll have a cool ass knife, and a huge dick" Chucky says. I burst out laughing. "What?" Chucky asks. Slappy giggles. "Ok, I think I'll be able to work that out" Slappy states, as he begins typing. "Better get it right and not fuck with me" Chucky states. Slappy nods, and rolls his eyes as he types. Chucky's fingers are too stubby and short to type. 

Another hour and a half passes. "Ok, there...All done" Slappy states. "So, you just open the book and we become like humans or?" Chucky asks. "So, when I open the book, we will both have the ability's to transform into humans. We still can use are powers in human and doll form, its just that now we can alternate between them" Slappy replies, Chucky nods trying to process all the information. "Ok, lets try it!" I state excitedly going over to them, they both smile, Slappy opens the book and Chucky and Slappy fly back. I fall back on my ass, my skirt flying up. "I-i don't feel any different" Chucky says as he gets up. "Me either" Slappy agrees as he stands up. I stand up, then sitting back on the bed. "How do you transform again?" Chucky asks, Slappy. "I wrote that you have to think about yourself in a human form, and then you'll shift" Slappy replies. Chucky nods. "Try and concentrate" I state. They both nod... Then suddenly, like a poof, they are now both 6 foot and human, standing in my bedroom. I gasp. 

We'll Protect You (Slappy X Reader X Chucky) {COMPLETED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें