I'm cold

375 13 4

Word count: 600

They were sat in Aziraphale's bookshop, Crowley lounging in a large brown armchair with his eyes closed and Aziraphale curled up tightly on the sofa with a book in his lap. Every now and then a sharp shiver would shoot through his body and the would shudder violently and sneeze.
Crowley opened one amber eye and looked over at his friend. He watched him quietly for a while, the frown that had appeared on his lips growing deeper everytime Aziraphale shivered.
"Are you ok angel?"
Aziraphale looked up from the book he was trying to read, without much success as everytime he sneezed, he lost his place and started the page again so now he had read page 222 5 times. His blue eyes sparkled with tears and his teeth shattered as he spoke.
"Imm cc cccold."

Crowley pulled that pouty face he reserves for when his angel was experiencing sadness or discomfort and rearranged himself so he was sitting more normally on the chair. He opened his arms wide.
"Come here angel." His voice was thick with love.
Aziraphale stood up hesitantly and made his way over to wear Crowley was sitting. He sat down on his lap and curled up into a tight ball.
"Thhhhhankkk yooouu," he managed to stutter past his still chattering teeth.
"No problem." Crowley wrapped his arms around his shaking friend and black wings gently unfurled from his back to form a soft blanket over him.

They sat like this for a few minutes in silence and Crowley listened to his friends breathing gradually slow and the teeth chattering stop. The violent shivers were absorbed by the thick feathers and happened less and less frequently until, they too, stopped entirely. Crowley threaded his fingers through the blonds hair and stroked it soothingly.
"Much, thank you dear." Aziraphale looked up into the demons face and smiled softly. There was another comfortable silence as they both listened to the others heartbeat.

Crowley's soft queries broke the silence, "I didn't know Angel's could get cold?"
Aziraphale, who's eyes had begun to flutter shut, opened them and looked thoughtful.
"Hmm, I don't think they can but then again, I'm more human than angel these days."
His index finger traced curling patterns on his friend's chest as he spoke and Crowley smiled.
"Also, most Angels don't live in earth and heaven has a carefully regulated temperature whereas the heating in here is about a hundred years old and really rather faulty."
Crowley chuckled at this, "That explains it then."
The two fell back into silence and Aziraphale's eyes continued to close and his breathing got slower and slower. The gentle patterns he was drawing got slower and smaller until his hand fell still and Crowley knew that he was asleep. He leant down and pressed a gentle kiss onto his friends messy hair.

"Sleep well angel," He clicked his fingers and the bookshop began to dissolve around them until it became the bedroom in Crowley's apartment. It was all very well sleeping on an armchair but it played heaven with your back and he didn't want to have to deal with that in the morning. Besides, he couldn't use his wings as a blanket all night, he would get cramp. The black feathers gently folded away and he pulled the dark covers gently over them both. Aziraphale, who was still curled into his friend's chest, shifted slightly and, in a voice gruff with sleep, murmured, "I love you dear."
Crowley smiled and pulled him closer, "I love you too angel."

An. Hello lovely weirdos:) I hope you enjoyed this overload of sweetness and I hope it didn't rot your teeth too much. Just to clarify, I really like the idea that they are a queer platonic pairing as Neil Gaiman says that they love each other but Angel's are inherently "sexless beings unless they make an effort". As an asexual, you have no idea how happy that made me so I am going to write them as Ace. He also said that he wasn't against the idea that they were asexual and aromantic but that it was up to the readers/ watchers to decide. I have decided to definitely go with them being asexual and as for the aromantic part, I want them to be hugely in love and very cute but still within the bounds of intense friendship. The line between platonic and romantic seems very thin to me so they will probably cross backwards and forwards between the two:) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed that oneshot, have a wonderful day💛💛

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