Welcome to Marigold Academy. Teacher Au Part 1

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An. It's not really an Au as they are still them and it continues on from all my other oneshots so I don't know what to call it. I hope you enjoy:)

Word count: 2200

Mr Fell had been working at this school for just over 2 months and it was going well. Or at least, he hoped so. They had fancied a bit of a change as London, although perfectly exciting, was beginning to feel mundane after centuries of spending most of their time there. And so they had made the decision to move. Crowley was determined to stay in a big city as he enjoyed the bustle and noise but Aziraphale was desperate to move to the countryside and live in a small cottage in a village. There had been a long discussion involving a rather excessive amount of wine and, for some reason, quite a lot of talk about platypus'. After 3 days of solid debating, a compromise had been arrived at: they would move to a town with good transport links to a neighbouring city.

And so it was decided upon and all the books and plants and random nick nacks they had acquired over their 6000 year residency on earth were packed neatly into boxes. Aziraphale refused to let Crowley hire a van for him to drive himself as he feared what sort of damage a large vehicle could do to the poor people on the motorway and so a company was hired and they arrived safely in their new home.

On the third night of being there, Crowley had gotten much drunker than he should have done in the local pub while his partner had a quite night in carefully organising his books. He had started talking to a very lovely woman who worked at the local school, and, through some sort of confused miscommunication, had somehow applied for a job as a Biology teacher there. He had then promptly forgotten the entire interaction and was greatly surprised when he received an invitation to a job interview a few weeks later.

Small town living was not suiting Crowley and he was bored. Aziraphale was also finding himself slipping into boredom as well although he would never admit that to his partner, after all, it was him who had urged them to move away from a big city. Crowley had never had a real job and was most intrigued by this prospect so had decided to go along and see what it was all about.

Being that it was that he had an unnatural amount of demonic charm and an alarming ability to influence those around him, the faculty at Marigold Academy had liked him immensely and had offered him the position. "Why not? Could be fun." He thought and, after consulting Aziraphale, had accepted it.

Turned out that it was very fun and he came home exhausted but utterly happy each evening. Jealousy is not a characteristic common to Angel's, however, Aziraphale was no longer really an angel and he found himself increasingly jealous of his partner's contentment as his restlessness grew. And so it was that, when a position opened up for a new English teacher, he had applied immediately. It was no surprise when he got the job, after all, he was a miracle worker and he had come with the highest recommendation from a certain beloved biology teacher.

And so, here they were, two supernatural beings in a small town in England, teaching unenthusiastic teenagers the joys of mitochondria and Shakespeare.

It turned out that they both made very good teachers and their students looked forward to their lessons greatly. Aziraphale's lessons went as follows:
"Right then class, today we will be continuing with one of the classic works of literature "A Christmas Carol." I met Dickens once you know, at a pub in 1850. He was a most interesting fellow, although slightly difficult to follow. Terribly passionate about reforming the class system though, we had a most enlightening conversation."

His students smiled encouragingly, they were used to these outbursts of anactoditial fiction their teacher was prone to. He was an English teacher after all and everyone knows that you have to be slightly batty to be an effective one.
"Sorry, where were we?"
A small girl with thick glasses piped up quickly, "We were just up to the ghost of Christmas Past sir."
"Yes, so we were. Very good, now, who would like to read for Scrooge today?"
5 hands shot up immediately, this was the best part of Mr Fell's lessons.
"Come on then Charlie, I haven't heard you read yet. Up you get." Charlie bounced up, their frizzy hair fanning out around them.

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