What should I wear? (dinner party part 2)

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Word count: 1500

It was Saturday and there were 2 hours before they needed to be at Aziraphale's friends house for the dinner party. Aziraphale was lying on the bed in Crowley's apartment, leaning against the headboard and reading. Crowley was having a great deal of trouble in choosing an outfit.

"It has to be perfect! First impressions are very important."
Aziraphale sighed and looked up from his book, "You have looked stunning in all 23 of the outfits that you have tried on and decided against dear. You look gorgeous no matter what you wear." Crowley pouted and threw himself dramatically backwards so he was lying across Aziraphale's lap, his arm thrown over his face like a victimised heroine.
"Yes but you are bound to think that angel considering that you are completely and utterly smitten with me." Aziraphale laughed and rolled out from under Crowley so that he was lying on top of him.

"Goodness me dear, I never knew you were such a drama queen. And while it is true that I am undeniably hopelessly in love with you, that doesn't change the fact that you are quite clearly the most beautiful creature to ever walk this Earth, or Heaven or Hell for that matter." He kissed the demons nose and Crowley giggled. He wrapped his arms around him and flipped him over so that he was now on top. He kissed him softly before pushing himself up so that he was once again standing.

"Look, as much as I appreciate how sickly sweet you are being angel, it isn't helping me find an outfit for tonight! Help meeee!" Crowley pulled at his partner's sleeve pleadingly.
Aziraphale rolled his eyes, "I have been trying help you for the past hour and a half, it's not my fault you're being so incredibly picky."
"Its not my fault you're being so incredibly picky." Imitated Crowley pettily.
"Hhhh, fine. You are lucky I love you dear."
"Eek, thank you thank you thank you." He squeaked, pulling his partner up.
"Yes, alright. Let me have a look then."
"Yep, errr, sorry. I'm a bit over excited is all." Crowley realised he was being very undemonic and tried to recover himself.

"That and the fact that you've already drunk an entire bottle of wine." Aziraphale raised his eyebrows. Crowley pouted, "Oh come on, that's not fair. You were the one who brought the wine."
"I knew you'd be nervous about tonight is all, I didn't expect you to be that nervous though."
"I am not nervous!" Protested Crowley.
"Yes dear, of course you are aren't. Its not as though you've spent the last 2 hours getting steadily drunker and worrying about what to wear."
"Fine, maybe I'm a little bit nervous." There was a pause and Aziraphale raised his eyebrows.
"Ok, a lot nervous. When did you learn sarcasm? I don't like it."
"Well you wouldn't would you as it rather puts you on the spot. I have spent most of the last 13 years with you pretty much constantly. Not to mention the 6000 years of friendship before that. You were bound to rub off on me at some point."

"Whatever, stop being annoying and making me admit to having feelings and help me choose an outfit."
Aziraphale looked at him disapprovingly, "What's the magic word dear?"
Crowley rolled his eyes and huffed, "Fine, my wonderful angel whom I love more than anything and is the cleverest and kindest being to ever exist, please will you help me choose an outfit to wear to your silly dinner party?"
Aziraphale chuckled and kissed his cheek gently, "Of course I will demon who stole my heart with your adorable charm and flattering words."
Crowley blushed and looked down at his feet.
"I'mnotadorable." He muttered quickly.
"What was that dear?" Aziraphale put his hand under Crowley's chin and forced his serpentine eyes to meet his blue ones.
"I said I'm not adorable." Repeated Crowley more forcefully.
"You most certainly are darling." He kissed him softly.

*An hour and a half later*

The black Bentley skidded to a halt, perfectly parked in an empty space outside the large house they had been invited to.
Crowley jumped out and opened the door for Aziraphale, offering him their arm as they did so.
"Right yes, thank you dear." Aziraphale accepted the arm and tried to alleviate the unsettling feeling of his stomach being left several miles away that he always got when Crowley was driving, "I do wish you wouldn't drive so fast darling, it worries me no end."
Crowley smirked, "I'm sorry but you do look so very sweet with your eyes so wide like that. Plus, there's nothing quite like feeling that rush if adrenaline pumping through your veins." Aziraphale pulled a face, "Right yes, well still. Umm, shall we go in?" He felt awfully flustered in that moment and wasn't sure whether it was due to the fast driving or the outfit Crowley had finally settled on.
"Lead the way angel."

They stared up at the large red brick facade of the house. It was more of a major than anything. It was early victorian judging by the architecture and was certainly a sight to behold.
Crowley's eyebrows rose, "Remember what I said about the class of your friends?"
"Yes dear." Aziraphale's voice was higher than usual as he took in the many white painted windows that suggested there were a great number of beautiful rooms behind them.
"Well I didn't quite realise just how right I was."
"Me neither, I've never seen Harry's house before and I must admit I am at a loss."

They walked up to the front door and knocked uncertainly. It swung open and they were greeted by a jovial looking man wearing a tweed jacket and brown slacks.
"Aziraphale! I'm so glad you could make it!" He smiled widely in welcome and Aziraphale smiled back. He then turned to the person on Aziraphale's arm as he said "And this must be the famous partner! Oh." He was momentarily taken aback as he looked the figure in front of him up and down.

This was not who he had been expecting from Aziraphale's descriptions of his partner. He had imagined a man in a leather jacket, tight skinny jeans and bright red, short hair. The hair was at least the right colour but it fell in long waves, pulled elegantly to the side. Bright yellow eyes stared out at him, an effect achieved by contact lenses he assumed. They were accentuated by long, curled black eyelashes and dark eyeshadow that matched the copper of the persons hair. Dark lips, the colour of red wine, smiled at him in a vaguely teasing way and a floor length, black dress tumbled down around them, extremely flattering in its tightness. The overall effect was decidedly female but the figure the silky material hugged was more Male and there was a definite masculine feeling to the face and the way they carried themself.

Crowley tried to stop themself from laughing as they took in the shocked look on their hosts face, "Hello Harry, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Anthony J Crowley, but you can call me Annie."
Harry Archibald stammered for a second before regaining his composure and shaking their outstretched hand,
"Right, yes. Hello Annie. Sorry, where are my manners, please come in. Both of you." He looked questioningly at Aziraphale before moving out of the way and gesturing towards a large mahogany door at the end of the white marbled hall that stood ajar.
"The dining room is that way. Food shall be served in half an hour. Please help yourselves to drinks while you wait."
"Thank you, come on Angel."

Aziraphale smiled at Harry apologetically as if to say, I'm sorry I know this must be a surprise for you. I wasn't really expecting them to look like this either. Before allowing himself to be guided away up the red strip of carpet that ran down the centre of the floor. They walked past several other imposing doors and some beautiful paintings hung in gold gilded frames on their way and the angel smiled at the incredible opulence of it all. Harry stood and watched them go in amazement, admiring the intricate golden snake that adorned Annie's exposed back, holding the dress closed with the thin chains that were strung from it.

How on earth had sweet, bookish Aziraphale gotten himself a dame like that? Or were they not a dame at all? He racked his brains trying to remember what pronouns his friend had used to describe his partner. I always thought his partner was male but then again, that may just be because Aziraphale gives off such strong queer vibes. Would it be rude to ask for Annie's pronouns? Could I ask Aziraphale? Oh dear, this whole gender thing was terribly complicated. Maybe it would be best to just forget the whole thing and try not to think about it. He watched until they disappeared into the dining room and turned, shaking his head slightly, to greet his next guests.

The next part will once again be a direct continuation of this part. I just don't want each part to get too long so I can publish them separately and you don't get stuck in reading and reading a very long story when you should really be asleep as you have to get up tomorrow. If you should really be asleep right now then this is me telling you to go do that. This story will still be here tomorrow and your mental and physical health are very important. Also, drink some water and have a lovely existence. See you for more gender bending Crowley very soon💛💛

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