How to lick some homophobic butt. Teacher Au part 2

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Trigger warning: homophobia and sexual language. If either of these things is likely to upset you then you can still read the first section. I have marked further down when the homophobia begins so just skip that bit. I have put a row of stars where the homophobia stops. Aziraphale does put them in their place very quickly and it all ends happily si don't worry, it's not very angsty.

Word count: 3000

*a few weeks later*

Mr Crowley was constantly talking about his husband and his students knew quite a lot about him at this point. They knew he was an avid reader, they knew he liked classical music and food, they knew that he lived with Mr Crowley and that he had a whole room just for his books. They knew he was funny and sweet and a bit of an idiot. They knew that he and Mr Crowely had been friends for a very long time before they got together and that they had just celebrated their 8th wedding anniversary. They knew he didn't like Mr Crowley's driving and wished that he would be nice to his plants.

The students liked hearing about Mr Crowley's husband and each new piece of information was carefully stored away in their hive mind for later use.

What they didn't know however was what he looked like or what he was called. What they definitely didn't know was that he was the slightly erratic, very endearing and much loved English teacher in the classroom downstairs.

The reason for this was not that Mr Crowley didn't want to tell them. He very much did as he wanted to proclaim their love from every rooftop and hold hands at all possible times but Aziraphale was rather against this idea.  He felt embarrassed by the idea that his students should know about his personal life and thought it was more special if it was just something him and Crowley shared.

Also, he got very flustered everytime Crowley flirted with him and he wouldn't be able to teach if he kept popping into his lessons to tell him he looked cute which was what was bound to happen if Crowley was allowed to have his own way. He also knew his students would report back to him everytime his husband said something sickeningly adorable about him (which was a very frequent occurrence). As it was, he only heard mutterings about the latest stories Mr Crowley had told and even then, he had to work very hard not too blush too noticeably and not melt into a puddle of soppiness.

And so a compromise had been reached: Crowley could tell as many stories as he wanted about his husband but he was not to mention him by name or give any physical descriptors of him. He also wasn't allowed to be publicly affectionate to Mr Fell while students were around as it would be a dead giveaway and Aziraphale wasn't sure if he would be able to survive public adorableness as he might just spontaneously discorparate.

This system was working well and after 5 months of them both working at the same school, the students still hadn't put 2 and 2 together. There was a lot of gossip about what Mr Crowley's husband looked like and there had even been pictures drawn, none of which were even remotely close. The other teachers all knew of course as Aziraphale always sat directly on top of Crowley in the staff room. Plus, all correspondence for the two of them had to be sent to the same address so they had explained the situation as soon as Aziraphale started. The teachers were of course, respectful of their boundaries and didn't mention anything to their students.

It was now the end of April and everyone was just returning from the spring half term. Aziraphale and Crowley had been to Tadfield to spend the week with Anathema and Newt and had had a very lovely week. The couple had a three year old daughter and Crowley had had great fun setting up an elaborate Easter Egg hunt for her with Newts help while Aziraphale and Anathema discussed various subjects of interest. 

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