Two idiots being in love in a bookshop (dinner party part 1)

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An. My oneshots all appear to be linking together and this one is no exception so it carries on from a few months after the last one left off. The one after this will finally be the oneshot I meant to write last time and will be a direct continuation of this one:) enjoy💛

Word count: 960

The bell above the bookshop door announced Aziraphale's return. He was smiling softly to himself and humming claire de lune. He shook his blond hair, sending thousands of sparkling droplets flying through the air around him. They disappeared before they could touch anything of course, he couldn't have any of his previous books getting water damage.

He carefully shook out his coat and left it to dry on the back of a chair by the fire. He waved his hand lathargically and him and his removed jacket were miraculously dry. It was rare for him to let himself get wet in the first place but he was in such a good mood that tonight, when the heavens opened and the downpour had began, he had just smiled and reached out his hands to enjoy the feeling of the droplets landing on his skin. There was nothing like the coolness of rain to make you feel alive. Except maybe a good book, a slice of cake and a certain demon.

Speaking of a certain demon....
"Crowley, dear," Aziraphale called, turning to look towards the back,
"Are you still awake?".
"Ngk umm, give me a minute angel." The response that drifted down the stairs from the flat above the bookshop suggested that he hadn't been a minute ago as it was thick with a sleepy sort of daze.
"Alright darling, I'll be in the back."
"Uh huh."

Aziraphale had settled in to the throw covered sofa to reread Agatha Christie's "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" (an, undoubtedly one of the best books I've ever read and one of her best works, and that comes from someone who has very nearly read all of Agatha Christie's books as they are one of my special interests. If you like murder mysteries, please go and read it, you won't regret it) for the 6th time. He already knew the outcome so it wasn't quite as thrilling as the first time but it was one of his favourites as he had very much enjoyed the 20s and reading it reminded him of some lovely days sitting on the sun at Greenway house, discussing narrative arcs and desserts with the famous author. Her observation of character was spot on and he was chortling at one of the conversations when a voice spoke.

"Whatcha laughing at angel?"
"Crowley." His face lit up as he carefully marked his place with the beautifully intricate bookmark, engraved with tiny black snakes and silver angel wings that his demon had given him for Valentine's day, and closed the book so he could devote his full attention to his boyfriend.

Crowley was leaning casually against the door frame, two bottles of wine in his hands. His red hair was tousled from sleep and his clothes were more skewwiff than usual and slightly crumpled. His disheveled appearance made the Angel's heart flutter happily as it reminded him how comfortable the demon was around him to not have miracaled the imperfections away.

"You look positively adorable dear." Crowley blushed , "Shut up angel." He tried to sound annoyed but his tone was much too fond.
"Even if I did shut up, it wouldn't make you any less adorable dearest. Don't pretend you don't like me saying it, you clearly do otherwise you wouldn't have come down looking quite so sweet."
Crowley pouted, "it's not fair that your always right. I'm nowhere near as adorable as you though angel." He winked and it was Aziraphale's turn to blush.

"Why are you still standing over there my love? Come here and keep me warm." He held out his arms and Crowley happily snuggled into them.
"Drink with me?" He held up a bottle to Aziraphale who waved his hand to make two glasses appear on the table.
"I would be delighted to." Crowley readjusted so that he could pour the red liquid into the glasses and handed one to his partner.
"Thank you." The angel kissed his cheek softly.

"Mmm, how was your book club?"
"It was splendid. We are reading 'The murder of Roger Ackroyd this week."
"Haven't you already read that one 5 times before?" As Crowley spoke, he swung round so his back was against the arm of the sofa and his legs were on Aziraphale's lap.
"Careful dear, you're spilling wine on my mahogany floors." Crowley rolled his eyes but blew in that direction softly so that the stain vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
"Thank you, and yes, yes I have."
"Are you not bored of it by now?"
"Of course not, it reminds me of nice things and is just as brilliantly written as the first time."
Crowley didn't look convinced, "What sort of nice things?"

Aziraphale's fingers were drawing swiftly patterns on his partner's skinny jean clad legs, a habit he had whenever he was relaxed. "Oh lots of nice things like sunshine and billiard rooms and dinner parties with scrumptious things to eat. Oh, that reminds me!" The Angel's face grew excited, "One of the embers is having a dinner party on Saturday and we've been invited! Would you possibly accompany me? I would love to introduce you to everyone!"

"A dinner party? I see your friends are of a certain class." The demons eyebrows and his voice imitated an aristocratics.
"Don't be beastly dear."
"Darling, I'm a demon. It's in the job description to be beastly." He blew him a kiss and winked again, "But yes, of course I will come with you. I would be delighted."
"Oh good, it will be so splendid to introduce everyone to the person that I love."
"I'm technically not a person angel." Crowley pointed out, downing the last of his wine.
"Oh, just be quite and kiss me already."
"As you wish."

An. I hope you enjoyed that. It was supposed to just be the set up fro a different story but it got quite long so I've decided to continue the story in the next chapter which will be the dinner party they were talking about. Thank you for reading, have a lovely day💛💛

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